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WAYWT shit talking thread


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not normally one to do this...but this just couldn't be any more cookie cutter hipster. everything from the labels, to the way he wears them, to the cycle...lets just hope he doesnt get separated from his friends on their ride to the next williamsburg bbq. they may never find him again...



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i was wondering about this too.. no way that picture belongs here considering all the American Apparel x cell phone camera crap that gets posted in waywt every day

i'm not sure if you actually looked at the picture. he's wearing jeans...and skate shoes...and a wife beater. last time i checked, this is supposed to be a forum for people who care about clothes, as opposed to a forum for shitty assholes on their way to buy tampons for their girlfriend. I'm waiting for the day he posts in a pair of crocs.

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i wish i saw a video of this scene..."WOOOO!! YOU CAN DO IT!! SUPER DUPER !! GOOOOOO I-PHONE!! YAYYY!!" and everyone claps and shouts and jumps in the air, and that kid feels like he's 7 years old and just batted his first home run, and people are taking pictures and his mommy is waiting for him in the bleachers

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that kid feels like he's 7 years old and just batted his first home run, and people are taking pictures and his mommy is waiting for him in the bleachers

I don't think an athletic achievement analogue is going to work with that kid.

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what the fuck is going on with those orange t-shirted fuckers in the background? are they there to cheer people who buy iPhone's on? jesus...

those are apple employees who clap and cheer once the doors open for the ipod line and every time a customer walks out with an iphone. some people waited like a week lulz.

buncha dumbfucks if you ask me. lining up in the damn heat and humidity for something thats mass produced and easily obtainable by everyone.

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those are apple employees who clap and cheer once the doors open for the ipod line and every time a customer walks out with an iphone. some people waited like a week lulz.

buncha dumbfucks if you ask me. lining up in the damn heat and humidity for something thats mass produced and easily obtainable by everyone.

The fact that someone has the new iPhone a few days before everyone else is greatly overshadowed by the fact that they waited several hours in line to get it. Of course, the reason they did this was for that single instance that may or may not occur in the three days before everyone else gets theirs:

Douche A: "Hey man, is that the new GEN iphone, bra?"

Douche B: "Yep" (trying to stay cool but extremely excited that someone asked)

Fuck an iPhone

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Guest ChetLenoir
i wish i saw a video of this scene..."WOOOO!! YOU CAN DO IT!! SUPER DUPER !! GOOOOOO I-PHONE!! YAYYY!!" and everyone claps and shouts and jumps in the air, and that kid feels like he's 7 years old and just batted his first home run, and people are taking pictures and his mommy is waiting for him in the bleachers


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