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WAYWT shit talking thread


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^i know those two in particular were, thats the good timing and joke part of it. is the entire history of your waywts coincidental?

on a side note, i couldve sworn you said it was actual paint splatter on your grifters before?

They are Cougar #1s, and they are not altered at all. I don't know what exactly you mean by the first 2 sentences, care to elaborate?

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They are Cougar #1s, and they are not altered at all. I don't know what exactly you mean by the first 2 sentences, care to elaborate?

take another picture, dark background, stand to the side of the frame, same jeans, same camera, then ill finally believe you.

as for the first two sentences, i was saying, i know those two outfits were a pretty big coincidence, the timing of you two posting should show that, and it happened to be nice timing for me for to add it as a joke in my post. but what i tried to insinuate with the second sentence is that from the looks of it, your waywts up until this point in history, and the similarity between them, and seemingly, the rest of the what are you wearing today thread is far too close to ascribe to "coincidence"

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take another picture, dark background, stand to the side of the frame, same jeans, same camera, then ill finally believe you.

why don't you just look at his website there are two photos of me under cougar #1

your waywts up until this point in history, and the similarity between them, and seemingly, the rest of the what are you wearing today thread is far too close to ascribe to "coincidence"

You have an awfully confusing way of constructing your sentences, no offense. If you are saying that all of my photos in the waywt thread are copying a specific poster I invite you to post examples, because I can't think of one time I intentionally copied somebody.

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why don't you just look at his website there are two photos of me under cougar #1

hes since remodeled his website i think, so whatever i dont care anymore.

You have an awfully confusing way of constructing your sentences, no offense. If you are saying that all of my photos in the waywt thread are copying a specific poster I invite you to post examples, because I can't think of one time I intentionally copied somebody.

yeah thats a bad habit of mine, i guess it got a little wordy, but anyways, im not saying your waywts are specific copies of other users in particular per se, not like this is "OH HE STOLE HIS OUTFIT!" i guess my soundbomber joke came off in that way.

but come on, you really dont see what im saying? i dont know how else to put it really, zehero pretty much got it right on the last page

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but come on, you really dont see what im saying? i dont know how else to put it really, zehero pretty much got it right on the last page

I get the gist of it, but while that may have been true when I was trying to dress "gothninja" I've mostly gone back to the style of stuff I dressed in before I found sufu, with minor adjustments of course.

How many essays about me have you written in the shit talking thread by the way? couldn't this time have been spent doing something more constructive in your own life :confused:

Dino's saying you're biting other peoples' aesthetic/style/steeze in order to dress yourself. Maybe? I'm fucking traaaaashed.

this is a breakthough, i had never considered that!

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How many essays about me have you written in the shit talking thread by the way? couldn't this time have been spent doing something more constructive in your own life :confused:

Right he could have spent more time doing things like posting pictures of himself on the internet.

Just stop while your ahead.

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How many essays about me have you written in the shit talking thread by the way? couldn't this time have been spent doing something more constructive in your own life :confused:

by my count one really short essay, two page MAX w/pictures. honest estimate.

and its early, early morning here, so no, not a ton else i could be doing other than sleeping and trying to help a fellow supertalk user look better/less sad. though, ill stop since you arent wanting to hear it. good luck luckkk

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Overdose.. come on, i know im not the only one who sees this guys shit.

Dog.. a little bit goes a long way. why u wearing all that shit at once building these super 'perfect' fits for the internet, just to stunt and shit. you seriously look mad stiff like you cant even walk outside in that gear. u got like 25 straps hanging from you and shit. got the shit saggin, beanie half on, laces all fucked up, i dunno. i like your steez sometimes and your pieces, i just think u need to loosen up, tone it down a bit, walk around crease up your sneaks and shit, take a deep breath and relax and be real. (or try to)

(sorry to rant but i just think this dude needs to hear that shit)


Another lace horrible violation.. and calrose rice is for suckers. red power ranger for artistic touch = WACK.


look at those clearance rack urban outfitter nikes.. ha this guys a moron. those pants.. what the hell were you thinking? i dont even wanna see you on a 'streetwear' day.


Damn girl you need to shave your legs and wax that upper lip. you'l get way more +rep that way

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Nobody can wear a tuxedo jacket with a white tee, some black pants and boots; I just copyrighted the look and my lawyer (sleazie) is preparing to sue anyone who tries to rip off my fashion steez. You heard it here first.

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i dont know why anyone would want to try to be a 'goth ninja'

or atleast classify themselves as it..

i mean non fashionably speaking... a ninja is pretty damn cool, who wouldn't want to be a ninja...

being a goth on the other hand... lol, go into hot topic, wear all black(lip stick and all, possibly that white face paint they got going sometimes) and listen to marilyn manson thats what the outside world will think when you call yourself a goth ninja, and i don't know anyone who wants to be associated with that

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i dont know why anyone would want to try to be a 'goth ninja'

or atleast classify themselves as it..

i mean non fashionably speaking... a ninja is pretty damn cool, who wouldn't want to be a ninja...

being a goth on the other hand... lol, go into hot topic, wear all black(lip stick and all, possibly that white face paint they got going sometimes) and listen to marilyn manson thats what the outside world will think when you call yourself a goth ninja, and i don't know anyone who wants to be associated with that

^ Irresponsible Hate Anthem?

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look at those clearance rack urban outfitter nikes.. ha this guys a moron. those pants.. what the hell were you thinking? i dont even wanna see you on a 'streetwear' day.

lighten up they're just shoes:rolleyes:

+i don't shop urban outfitters. i'm a pacsun kid.

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