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WAYWT shit talking thread


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Guys. You are both right.

Too bad brain power used on arguing for nothing on the internet can't be used for science research like computers, we'd already have a cure for aid and cancer by now.

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girlie, you only reason you are attempting to be "done with it," is cause u can't take this dick.

not to mention you edited your comment and your fit post after the fact.

pls post pics of your kids' ensembles at the zoo.

Don't Fucking talk any shit about my kids. You Moron.

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oh no i just figured i'd try and make it even

i know i don't dress especially well

thats why i read this forum i need to improve... alot

but i also knew jayrock wasnt best dressed on sufu either

nah i don't think jayrock was talking about the way you dress

it's your fuckin face. you look likea Neanderthal

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You know what FUCK you JMATSU and your game of talking shit to me.

Your dick I am sure aint shit.


Fucking talk shit about my kids. You Moron.


please stop right here.

jmatsu will not spare your children

he did not spare cultpop's or famous'

so honestly, you gotta get over it and realize fighting on the internet is fucking pointless. its a person you'll never meet, its on a subject that makes no difference outside of the forum, and in honesty, does it really effect you in real life? you like what you like, aka, fuck the haters, do your own thing etc. etc. etc. just get over it and let it slide. matsu will talk all the shit he wants. i had to put up with plenty of it until we came to a mutual respect for one another, and im still not sparred the comments by him or anyone. so please, do yourself a favor and chill your shit out and realize:


sorry if i reused the most used jpg ever...

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Guest jmatsu
You know what FUCK you JMATSU and your game of talking shit to me.

Your dick I am sure aint shit.


Fucking talk shit about my kids. You Moron.

boo fuckin hoo. how am i talking shit to you? how was i talking shit about your kids? i never seen them... that is why i requested their fit-pics at the zoo. if they are cute and well dressed i promise i'll give you a big fat rep block, okay? knowing you, you'd probably just fuck the pic up by taking a pic of their diapers or some shit.

like i said my hate doesn't discriminate against age, gender, or sexuality.

is it just me, or does you english suck? try taking a deep breathe before posting.

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Guest jmatsu

^that's some funny shit. i am gonna have my secretary print copies of this and then have them distributed throughout the city, including parks and beaches too. somebody make me a postcard.

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i'm well aware that my pic is unflattering, i only did it because of a comment clopek made about it being a good idea to not show my face in pics. which i suppose most people agree with, but ive always been pretty comfortable with how i look so oh well.

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please stop right here.

jmatsu will not spare your children

he did not spare cultpop's or famous'

so honestly, you gotta get over it and realize fighting on the internet is fucking pointless. its a person you'll never meet, its on a subject that makes no difference outside of the forum, and in honesty, does it really effect you in real life? you like what you like, aka, fuck the haters, do your own thing etc. etc. etc. just get over it and let it slide. matsu will talk all the shit he wants. i had to put up with plenty of it until we came to a mutual respect for one another, and im still not sparred the comments by him or anyone. so please, do yourself a favor and chill your shit out and realize:


sorry if i reused the most used jpg ever...

is true

yeah i see (unfortunately) what you are saying. i actually showed gizmo's pic to my friend's kid. the kid started crying. little bitch cried so much and i didn't even touch her private area. gizmo's face is a devasting force, not to be taken lightly.

str8 torture

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So is everyone just going to put every girl who posts in this thread now to compensate for the amount of horny motherfuckers? You're trying too hard, asshole.


+1, that was a good fit and I like her living space.

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It's the picture that gives that. But well, you're right, that was pointless. (i guess it's the fact that lately girls only come to waywt, and don't participate, which could be great... anyway... doesn't matter).

Nothing against the ladies here, but I personally don't want to see a lot of them on sufu. I think that they're more than compensated in the rest of the fashion world. Let us have our few little sausage-party forums that are distinctly male and they can keep their 9/10 of the stores in the malls/districts and 9/10 of the space within them.

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Nothing against the ladies here, but I personally don't want to see a lot of them on sufu. I think that they're more than compensated in the rest of the fashion world. Let us have our few little sausage-party forums that are distinctly male and they can keep their 9/10 of the stores in the malls/districts and 9/10 of the space within them.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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If more women posted here a lot of people wouldn't have to add "no homo" after all their post.

Honestly, it would probably make this whole thing a lot less gay.

no homo


Un- recently blasted me in a PM after I negged him back over a conversation about black people. In it he defended himself by saying "Jimmy C likes how I dress."

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