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Self Edge X Superfuture 002.SFO SuperParty


Will you be coming to the Self Edge x Superfuture Party?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be coming to the Self Edge x Superfuture Party?

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nice to see DUM is still a bitch...

btw, who's the alan cumming look-a-like?

i thought DUM was cool. took a shot with me. BOOM!

that alan cummin look-a-like is juice925. i think he looks more peewee herman than alan cumming though.

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  1. Whitney you were in the area yet managed not to show up?

  • Passant you didn't even say proper hi to me, you better still be in the city missy!

  • I'm at Chez Kiya right now and the bed is still warm from Carl and Mikey, the internet couldn't get any better...

  • Jane, you are weak for not showing up at the debriefing...

  • I'm looking at a pile of denim right now that will make most of you people cry

ooooooooh, look at all those 1's...

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Cotton, get on the fucking AIM or some shit I'm online and wild headachey from all this fernet.


shit blew my mind.

Also you and the LA crew look identical. Haute.

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2. sufu babbies in the making

3. debriefing holy shit. medium rare all the wayyyyyyyyyyyy. sam u got your work cut out for you. no breakfast n shit you need to hussssstle.

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  1. Whitney you were in the area yet managed not to show up?

i wasn't in town that day. birthday celebrations :( and today was a friend's last supper before she fly to france... theres always 03.

DID ANYONE GET A FACE SHOT OF ORDO NOT PHOTOSHOPPED? will rep for whatever its worth...

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dude we got more secrets. if you showed up you would have (possibly) in the clan.

we about to get wild medium rare up in this bitch tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#!@#!@#!!!

fuck it i'm going to announce my superfuture x sidney lo shit right now in my thread. AYBAYBAY.

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Passant you didn't even say proper hi to me, you better still be in the city missy!

LIES! I introduced myself to you in that shoe store Saturday afternoon... (just not as Passant, I guess...... oops.)
shit blew my mind.


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Sid, Cotton, and I are leaving for Los Angeles Monday morning.

Whoever in LA that wants to do a secondary debriefing PM me.

Drinks in West Hollywood, Tuesday night.

This shit is moving south real quick.

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i want to come. it's not really practical though because im so fucking far away from LA proper (im back at school in riverside now).


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That counted as introducing, not saying proper hi and conversating...

Like I said, you better still be around the city!

I think my SF plans are photogging Monday afternoon and maybe going to a couple of museums on Tuesday (I'll be in San Jose otherwise)... not sure about details since I'm relying on other people for just about everything...

I'll let you know - PM me your contact info and hopefully we can conversate soon.

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Kiya et al and anyone else, will you be around LA on the night of the 9th or 10th? If so, it'd be great to show you guys a night filled with enough socal azn culture to last a lifetime! After you get all of your drinking done with, of course :D (or will that never happen?)

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jj- i love you

dum- fucking fruite swag dashikis!

??-fuckin fuckin cheep... im not wearing raw denim

??-fuck cheep, youre a cock sucking faggot and i fucking hate you

??-youre not superfuture


??-cheep, you are not superfuture at all... i mean you lost your title as superfuture

transcribed... as well as i could.

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I'm back in LA.





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