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well, you can't tell if the ped xing button has been pressed or not. the person standing there really could be that dumb that they forgot to press it. i really wouldn't be surprised at that, there are so many idiots running around loose in this world.

what about dumb fuckers who fucking hit the elevator button when it's already fucking lit up like a motherfucker

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  datasupa said:
what about dumb fuckers who fucking hit the elevator button when it's already fucking lit up like a motherfucker

when i was in vegas last year, i was in an elevator with my friends and i guess in vegas if you hit the button twice it cancels the choice. someone hits level 6, we are on level 1, on level 2 some tourists get on, and all 5 of them proceed to hit the level 6 button, which basically jammed the elevator it didnt move at all for minutes so we just got off on the second floor and climbed the stairs, and after a while we saw those same fucktard tourists exit the stairwell.

long story short, i hate fucktard tourists

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  Ahlvahroe said:
when i was in vegas last year, i was in an elevator with my friends and i guess in vegas if you hit the button twice it cancels the choice. someone hits level 6, we are on level 1, on level 2 some tourists get on, and all 5 of them proceed to hit the level 6 button, which basically jammed the elevator it didnt move at all for minutes so we just got off on the second floor and climbed the stairs, and after a while we saw those same fucktard tourists exit the stairwell.

long story short, i hate fucktard tourists

On an elevator tangent, motherfuckers waitin to get in from the outside too stupid to realize we're trying to get the fuck out. Bitches step back, wait your turn and then proceed you dumb cunts.

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This fucking guy right here:


This is my friend's math prof. I don't even have to deal with the guy but for some reason his stupid bullshit site makes me see red. Everything from his retarded "welcome to my website!" bouncing marquee to his goofy-ass shirt makes me wnat to quit the college I'm currently at, enroll at the one he teaches, and begin a career of professionally disrupting this man's life. Click on his picture for a good time.

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when you use a public toilet to take a shit, and you put that paper lining down on the toilet seat, but it falls into the toilet before you are able to pull your pants down all the way in time. And it just doesnt make sense to pull your pants down first, and then put the paper lining down.

hate that shit.

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