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shit you hate


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When people call coffee "java" or "Joe" or something retarded like that.

The fact that ziti/perciatelli/other hollow pastas are so fucking tricky to eat. The holes in them make it impossible to suck them into my mouth! There's no suction god dammit! >:(

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just got home.


driving drunk is not SAFE but it was fun.. (only 2 miles away from my house no need to QQ) still not safe.

BUT why do stoplights have to be there?

I feel like they get in the way of my driving.. especilaly at 2 AM. They need to turn that shit off so i can GTA my way home.

That is all. Thnank.s

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  dino might! said:
make it impossible to suck them into my mouth! There's no suction god dammit! >:(

that's what she said.

  i wear shooes said:
just got home.


driving drunk is not SAFE but it was fun.. (only 2 miles away from my house no need to QQ) still not safe.

BUT why do stoplights have to be there?

I feel like they get in the way of my driving.. especilaly at 2 AM. They need to turn that shit off so i can GTA my way home.

That is all. Thnank.s


Go fuck yourself. Seriously. Everybody should neg this motherfucker. I don't care if this is the internet, do NOT drive drunk.

I'd have a few more friends if assholes like you didn't exist.

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just another xy - sir.. i have no idea why i typed that last night or two nights ago.

i would never drive drunk in my life. my friend drove my car but obviously i do not remember that till today.

i have had several friends with DUI's and arrests and even worse.

never drive with any alcohol in my body.

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