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shit you hate


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I'm a stoner but I'm always doing things. I smoke weed all the time thus why I claim the term but I don't think it has to have any negative connotation.

I don't smoke weed for "fun", I smoke weed to make what I do for fun that much better.

and I hate trying to make it home from the airport in rush hour traffic.

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I hate that so much.

I went to apply at an upscale, "historic" movie theatre in my town (a real yuppie-type of place) since they had a help wanted sign up. Walked in, asked to speak with the manager so I could introduce myself professionally and say that I'd really like to work there. He was cold and said "uhh... Fill out an application and drop it off then", which I did. I didn't get a call back about a week later and since it was so close I thought I'd ride my bike to the place to stop in and inquire about whether I got the job or not, thinking this was a good way to show initiative. I walk into his office and say something along the lines of: "Sorry to interrupt, but I dropped off an application last week and since I'd really like to get this job I figured I'd ride in to see if you'd looked over it yet". This 30-year-old, beard having, flannel wearing douche stares at me with a look like "why are you here?" and says "uh we'll call you". I say OK and have a nice day and he just looks back at his computer and ignores me.

Three weeks later and that goddamn sign is still up. I'm pretty sure they're waiting for an attractive hipster girl with almost no qualifications; basically the best summary for the college-age workforce in my town. Fucking annoying. Now I have to resort to a job as a kitchen utility even though I all of my references will vouch for how reliable and hard-working I am.

haploid that sucks! maybe considering what jerks they are its a good thing you didn't get the job??

i fucking hate car services and mechanics, maybe a tad over the top but every single service i get it seems like there is some fucking major issue that MUST be fixed and i walk away with an empty wallet FUCKERS!!!

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I hate not being able to checkout scantily clad girls of questionable age on sufu because someone else is in the same room. fuck a 20" screen concept. and the fact half the reason I get on my computer is for these threads, I guess

edit: and a stoner is anyone who smokes pot and does something you don't like in most cases. unless you're describing yourself it's kind of a rude label imo

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^happens to me all the time--- when you do go to sleep it will be fantastic

I fucking hate it when i get shitty sleep--- the type of sleep where your dreams are so vivid that it seems like you can feel them.

I can't really remember what the dream was, but like two days ago i felt something just tapping on my face--- woke up to my roommate telling me its 1;00.

needless to say, I was groggy as fuck that entire day--- just a little off.

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^happens to me all the time--- when you do go to sleep it will be fantastic

I fucking hate it when i get shitty sleep--- the type of sleep where your dreams are so vivid that it seems like you can feel them.

I can't really remember what the dream was, but like two days ago i felt something just tapping on my face--- woke up to my roommate telling me its 1;00.

needless to say, I was groggy as fuck that entire day--- just a little off.

I would love to agree but to be honest i haven't remembered a dream for pushing 5-6 years. Its kinda depressing hitting the pillow and then momentarily waking up to your alarm, you never really feel like your getting a good sleep.


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Another for the list spilling coffee at your desk! Done it lots and lots of times, but todays was probably the worst. Full cup of black coffee, laptop, new dslr camera, ipod, mouse, text book, notes

thankfully nothing is actually broken, just all smells like bitter bitter coffee

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weak handshakes

similar but when u go to do a shake or a "monkey grip" or what ever and it gets fucked up coz you both go for different grips so you kinda just fumble with another du's hand(nohmo). happened to me at a cafe today when i ran into a friend and this cwg gave me a mad smirk as i walked off.

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when my next door neighbout bangs out shitty arabian wedding music through her equally shitty stereo with treble on 11, when she wakes up, usually around 9 or 10. i mean, it's not even music.

i work 6am-1pm till late june so it's fine, and i usually retaliate with some of the heaviest things i can find on my Onkyo hi-fi, but still.

thinking of it, i'm sure she's writing the same about me playing music at 4am on some arabian music forum or something.

oh and i partly hate the weather right now. i mean, last year i started wearing solely tee shirts from mid april, now it's late june and i've even worn my leather jacket yesterday, while last year in june the heat was already unbearable. pretty sure it's going to be 55°C in july to balance. but in another hand i'm ok with that, i work at an outside swimming pool, and since no one's coming i don't do shit.

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people that say "no homo" when the shit they said wasn't even gay.

also. people that chew with their mouth open. it makes that smacking sound. shit makes me wanna kill someone

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i'm falling into the same patterns from 2 years ago when i basically started throwing away my future and becoming more and more of a shut in

getting out of this slump is starting to seem impossible - but i think i still have some options

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