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shit you hate


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yeah but it's like what u gon do?

spend all ur free time learning about cars?

try and angies list and avoid national chains like the plague

it was @ a asian mechanic 1st this guys coo we usually go to him but its an american car(chevy blazer) so he said we should get it to an american mechanic my fault 4 bringing it to goodyear then since that shits national but fuck inma still do wut i can i dont have shit else to do anyways

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Guest bambam
I hate being in class and having to take an ill shit. Then you get those rumbling noises that sound like you've farted, but really you didn't. Shit is rough man, shit is rough.

jesus i thought this was just me. i swear they always come up when teacher/students stop talking too

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i know nowadays it's considered somewhat of a luxury to have both your biological mom & dad in your life, but i swear i cannot stand my dad.

i hate:

-how when he yawns he makes this annoying noise which sounds like he's forcing it out

-i hate how he has to sing every song on the radio

-i hate the noise he makes when he chews gum

-i hate how he comes in whilst a private convo is going on and manages to always ask, "what?" or "what're y'all talking about?"

-i hate how he always has to tag along when he's not needed

-i hate how he tries to do everything around the house, then complain that no one else does anything (you don't give anyone a chance to)

-i hate how he acts so immature

i could go on for days, yes. and yeah, i do appreciate the roof, food, clothes, etc that he has provided - but that doesn't mean i have to like his personality.

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I hate being in class and having to take an ill shit. Then you get those rumbling noises that sound like you've farted, but really you didn't. Shit is rough man, shit is rough.

Holy shit I hate that. My school has fucking rough ass 1 ply toilet paper. You can't use that, and you're fucked if you have diarrhea. Teachers get pissed off if you take a while in the bathroom, I got a detention for taking a leisurely shit. My bowels gonna take as long as they gonna take. People have heard my stomach gurgling across the room :(

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The fact that no one in NYC wants to move into my apartment.... And I need to be out by June 1.

Still no job.

Im missing my best friends daughter grow up, and I'm the "god-mother" of the damn thing.

What I do not hate: How this is page 666 of this thread.

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this is the fuckin worst when you work in a restaurant/cafe. Starving after an 10 hour shift, watching people eat 2 slices of pizza and about 3 fries, then being asked to take it away and chuck it out.

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