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shit you hate


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solution for anything undesirable inside is to take many cigarette breaks.

hate cold wind. feels like jack frost backhanding me.


cig break with jack frost :(

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  juliaN. said:
not pessimistic

one of the grossest misconceptions about me. just realist, perhaps too bluntly so.

when I'm in a really good mood, I sound normal or crazy. When I am just chillin in moderate mood, people say that I sound like ultimate asshole with my cynicism and hatred of everything. I am hella blunt when I don't care... damn

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i don't really hate anything, nor do i place an exuberantly positive value on anything either. I just see things as they are. If that comes off as too much of a flat affect, even leaning towards the cynical/misanthropic, so be it. I don't like dilution or saccharine.

I do think that anything in the forward will be for the better, even best, though, if that gives you a more well rounded picture.

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a while ago, I had this phase where I just hated everything... the way the government was run, the music industry/radio... I hated all that shit. Then somewhere along the line, I had an epiphany and I realized that I didn't hate all that shit. people are stupid because of the circumstances of their environment. I had no right to hate du's because they have a different perspective about things than me. I feel like hippy-ish now all the time

the only thing I hate now is the lack of concern regarding certain humanitarian issues in the world

fuck that shit, I still have a while to live

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it sounds like you need to start a band, mate

nah, you just gotta accept that there are different clusters of understanding in the world. If you come across one that can't reconcile with yours, it is fine. no need to place too much of a grudge or judgment on it, just accept and move on.

it's a big world, you're bound to find something that clicks

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yeah, I've come to terms with some bullshit

I've had the amazing luck of knowing a close circle of friends that have similar beliefs for the majority of my life. even if some don't, there's always something new to bring to the discussion table

it's amazing how different your perception of people changes when you put yourself in their shoes. this is now a habit for me, and I can't really seem to hate anyone of reasonable intelligence, no matter their creed/ethics. mostly there's a healthy respect for anyone that can defend an opinion to me in a debate using logic.

I feel like an oldass hippy bsing all this ish

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yeah all yall shut the fuck up.

obviously people like other people for who they are or they wouldnt stick around. lots of my best friends have been polar opposites and we dont have many/any common interests to speak about but it doesnt matter, were just down with each other. those i dont like i dont associate with. its not that tough a concept..

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korean food is the same

barbecued meats heavily marinated and dipped in sauce, wrapped in kimchee to dull the fact shit's not that fresh. A lot of spices, marinades, diluted only by steamed rice.

it's pure flavor onslaught, is how i'd sum up the cuisine of that nation

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I really hate what Kings of Leon have become, regardless of what others might think. Youth and Young Manhood and Aha Shake Heartbreak were great albums and they've totally fallen off since. Sucks because they were like one of very few "fun" bands still playing good-old-boy style rock in an updated form.

Guess they're the perfect example of fame corrupting. Bummer.

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i hate when people who discover new or old bands talk as if they've transcended some higher level of musical knowledge.....

p.s. the fallout from the lou reed(VU)Xsupreme collabo is going to irk me till at least the middle of june

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