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shit you hate


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Not going to put up with stupid shit just so I don't get called a 'whiner'. I go out to have fun not hang out with degenerates of society and put up with lousy music.

Actually, how can you call anyone a whiner in this thread?

why the fuck even bother going out then?

are you one of those "I'm too good for the club" types so you sit on your hands the whole time while your guido buddies score all the cwgs

and you mad









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Just went clubbing last two nights to the same shitty venue out of desperation.

I hate those stupid groups of people (mainly girls) who insist on taking group photos every 5 minutes for an hour, just to upload them on facebook to prove to people that they have a social life, nobody cares, get over yourself.

I hate people who come to the dance floor with almost choreographed steps, thinking they're going to impress everyone with their super awesome dance moves. We're laughing at you not with you, go spend your time doing something useful, like tying a noose so you can hang yourself for being such a douche.

I hate sluts who dance on their own with no friends, clearly trying to get attention from the guys, only to blow them all off regardless of anything. Nobody likes a big fucking cock tease, I hope you get raped.

I hate clubs. I can't talk to people without yelling, people always stepping on your feet and bumping into you, always playing shit music because its popular to kids who have no taste, there's usually some sort of bad odor on the dance floor coming from someone that decided an extra pint of beer is worth more than a can of deodorant. I loathe CWG's, they're fine to look at but when they open their mouth you can feel your brain cells slowly decaying to their irrelevant bitching and pathetic humor.

Sigh, didn't have a good weekend.

Drink some Barbancourt rum and you will have a much better time.

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i fucking hate it when people are driving in front of me or i'm in the car with them and they leave their blinkers on for a ridiculous amount of time, especially all the way around off ramps. makes me want to slap the shit out of them.

Some of my friends live in a rural area and whenever I go visit them there will be migrant workers going half the speed limit with a blinker on and swerving. Sounds like you would like driving around there. :)

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Loft, pretty suck for a club but the bigger ones are the same shit just bigger. I need to hang around Brunswick st more.

Yes and no to be honest... Fitzroy can be hit and miss for going out. I find it a little too much of a scene lately... Having said that, I did spend all Saturday night at the Napier then Labour in Vain...

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