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People who get all dressed up to go to places like the grocery store or the library.....Hmmmmm......Desperate much?

It's been irking me lately, but these herbs who've either recently joined or lurked for 1-2 years, and suddenly start shit talking like its nobody's business. Even worse is that they're usually grasping to be funny. Yet, through some undisclosed magic ability, they accumulate rep. I call it the Dane Cook effect.

People who try petition dumb shit, like why the hell would I try to check on my voting rights late at night, at the mall?

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People who get all dressed up to go to places like the grocery store or the library.....Hmmmmm......Desperate much?

i dont know, slippery slope. id prefer everyone look their best at all times. one of the things i detest about the grocery store is how dreadful everyone in there looks/ends up making me feel. not anything bad about being on your game wherever you are.

though if you can tell theyre just desperate attention whores then thats a whole other story

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though if you can tell theyre just desperate attention whores then thats a whole other story

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Folks who make a conscious effort to get dressed up to go shitty places. I can understand if you're having a busy day, or simply just wander in, but to hang out a places like wal-mart, or spend hours getting ready just to make a 10 minute grocery pick-up......

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i only reeeeeeeeeeally hate this at the movies.

oh, no way. it is the absolute worst when they're sitting between you and the aisle on a bus and your headphones are busto and they're all "smackety shlurp pop, just enjoying my gum here guys. shmerp snack."

re thread: uptight motherfuckers who think they know pasta sauce better than the chefs at work/who feel like giving a waiter a lecture on how "inappropriate" it is that the kitchenhand accidentally gave them a bad lettuce leaf or two.

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Things I hate at the movies

1) when people sitting in the middle of the row get up to go the bathroom. Then do it again. And then go buy popcorn. And a drink.

2) when people shake the box of mike and ike's for days trying to get the last piece out.

3) industrial strength vibrate functions on phones that are no less annoying than the guy in the next row's girlfriend trying to "whisper" about how hot she thinks orlando bloom is.

4) girls who you take on a date to the movies that say "can you take your fingers out of me please?"

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when you ask the clerk "are you guys hiring?" or "do you have any applications?" and they say "no" when there are new workers at the store every month.. bitches.

If your face doesn't get you in through the front door, then you might want to try the back door, i.e. calling someone on the telephone.

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Buying a fucking shirt and then realizing it has a fucking stain on it that won't come out but you don't have any fucking denatured alcohol and now you're fucking up at 2:30 in the morning dabbing fucking nail polish remover on it and smoking a bowl because you're so fucking frustrated.


Just bought one of the BoO sea isle wovens and found that it had a ink stain. Tried getting it out myself, but gave it rust stains from the water and sink. Will now proceed to stop myself before I ruin this shirt and just take it to my fucking cleaners'.

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ya thats why i took that shit off T9.

i want 2 spell lik this when i txt on my fone so that i look lik a crakhead.

or you know, just slow.

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ooh, i dont aim on my phone. wayyyy too annoying.

i text how i do and sometimes people get it and sometimes they dont.

i got my phone for free +extra cash, so im not complaining.

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When I was a young boy, I went to see Bobby McFerrin with my dad at some ampitheatre in New Jersey. We sat all the way in the back because the place was so crowded. My dad bought a huge tub of popcorn and commenced stuffing his face, and Bobby actually stopped performing and asked my dad to eat more quietly.

I know exactly how you feel.

noisy fucking eaters. if you slurp, smack your lips, and make general obnoxious sounds with your mouth when youre eating something go learn some self control or kill yourself. holy christ i want to cut my ears off when someone near me is doing that. things like cold cereals, juicy fruit, popsicles, etc are fuel to these peoples' fires. fuck i hate that.
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waiting for shit in the mail with no tracking number...

every day this excitement builds up waiting for the mail lady and then she comes; the same grumpy, packageless bitch as always. fuckkkk, she could at least say have a nice day after she sees how crushed I am.

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I hate when people invade your personal space on the subway by standing obscenely close to you or in front of you when there is plenty of space within the train. These fucking people are always oblivious to what they are doing. How the fuck does that happen?

I also hate people who are constantly checking they're Blackberrys while in a meeting. If you have something important to do then don't accept the meeting invitation. Oh wait, it was you that scheduled the meeting in the first place, real nice.

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