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UF student tasered for asking Sen. Kerry some Q's... Viva America!


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Seriously I just dont get how people can easily say "good im glad he was tased" and come off saying he is some whiney bitch for crying. I want to first address the alleged story that he was already alluding the cops (which was prob drummed up after the tasing to use as leverage in the case). This wouldn't be the first time police have falsified claims.

As far as the student asking stupid questions. Even if it was a stupid question he had the right to ask it during that time. He was excersizing his first Amend rights. I in no way believe he was resisting arrest because i dont recall the police saying he was being arrested, no miranda rights were given, at the time when the police rushed him what crimes had he committed? Clearly he was one kid with what like five police on top of him while they were tazing him? Clearly this was abuse of power.... does anyone know if kerry fully answered the students question later on?

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This is fucking scary to me. It made me remember the UCLA incident, just from last year. If you haven't heard about that, its online as well. Actually I'm gonna find it...

A warning, this one is hard to watch.

This was a case where a student at UCLA (of Arab decent...I believe) was arrested in the school library stemming from him simply giving some backtalk to the librarian when they wouldn't let him in without his school ID. So he ended up getting BRUTALLY tasered by the LAPD (I think UCLA doesnt have its own campus security, they just call LAPD). You talk about excessive force, this is like 7 minutes of giving this kid voltage. Its a miracle he didn't die as a result of all that.

And it all makes me think....WHY didn't anybody do anything? I'm just shooting off at the mouth here, because I wouldn't have the courage to try and stop the police. But it all comes back to this one idea that we've been trained to forget in this country, and thats that together we outnumber them. I think it becomes especially necessary like in the case of the UCLA incident, where that guy's life was at stake. Its like if you get up to try and stop them, and nobody follows you, you're just gonna get killed or get your ass kicked too. And in other countries that mentality is viewed upon as ridiculous, if you see something wrong you should do something about it. But in America we've been conditioned with irrational obedience.

Just crazy. This put me in a weird mood today.

just saw this and quickly read the independent investigation file (the pdf link under "more info"). this is a much clearer indication of excessive and unreasonable force. im glad those fuckers got fired.

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uh ohz we discuzzin politicz in hurrrrr


That is until The Hundreds or some other shit brand comes out with a "Don't Tase me, bro." tee.

3 to 1 says that the flip will be "Don't Phase me, bro." with some graf print.

5 to 1 says that the flip will be "Don't glaze me, ho." with Rakim holding a taser in place of a mic.

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That's why you don't fuck with Skull and Bones, just ask Joshua Jackson.

Tasering him was little bit much but you can't say he wasn't resisting. He was flailing his arms like mad. I also don't thik that the question is stupid like some people say it is. It's a legitimate question. What they hell do they do in there that they need to be so secretive about? They're like a frat house on a serious power trip.

Anyway, I could picture Supreme making a tee with this.

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stupid ass kid, if you are going to resist being escorted out nicely like that then you will get fucked up

But from what i heard (court tv haha) putting your hands in the air is actually a sign of surrendering. Initially he put his hands in the air ... NEVER RESISTED ARREST because they never said "you are under arrest you have the right...." no miranda rights were read. I know if i were there i would not have been able to sit and watch that go down! I would have been riding shottie (shotgun) in the police cruiser or knowing my big mouth probably the hurse

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You guys act like the cops were there to arrest and lock him up. He was disrupting the talk and therefore was asked to leave. The police then attempted to physically escort him out of the talk to keep things moving for everyone else's sake because the crowd didn't want to put up with this twat. When he became violent and resisted things escalated and he was subdued.

Minkous you're an idiot and 78 you're an idiot for such a 'sensational' thread title.

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You guys act like the cops were there to arrest and lock him up. He was disrupting the talk and therefore was asked to leave. The police then attempted to physically escort him out of the talk to keep things moving for everyone else's sake because the crowd didn't want to put up with this twat. When he became violent and resisted things escalated and he was subdued.

Minkous you're an idiot and 78 you're an idiot for such a 'sensational' thread title.

Dude you forgot one lil thing he wasnt disrupting the talk. he was given a mic during a question and answer session. He was doing just that! He was asking a question. Certain people couldnt handle the controversial question.... therefore what happened to his first amendment right?

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Minkous was right. I've been to these Accent spech forums. There is a speech in the beginning where people sit and listen and then they open the floor to questions. He started asking questions, the UF organization didn't like him asking non-fluff questions (regardless of if they were stupid) and they cut his mic and sent cops after him personally. Bottom line is the mic shouldn't have been cut and they never should've sent cops after him. He was given the mic to ask a question since it was an open forum and then they basically tried to police escort him out just because his question wasn't an approved one. They were stupid questions, but it's not like it's hard to answer them, even if it's a bullshit answer. He was on the ground and cuffed and then they tazered him. He was never a threat to anyone. The stories about him trying to disrupt everything and cause harm are basically story spins that UF is using to get out of the situation.

The people who keep saying "good, he's a stupid fuck. tazer him" are idiots and miss the point entirely. There are times and places to use tazers. Tazing a guy in his back on the ground is not one of them. Not one step of this was necessary. Sure the guy was a dick about it, but that's not the point. The police at UF are pretty terrible though in lots of other instances, which is one of the reasons i wasn't too suprised they did shit like that. Regardless of if the guy was being an asshole, i don't understand how someone can watch the cops try to arrest him for no reason, and then tazer him multiple times. The funny thing is, UF is spinning this so well to the media that everything will probably be dismissed.

It'll be interesting to see the student protests and shit storm this brews in the student newspaper though as the paper is independently funded so they can say whatever they want and they had their own people covering the event.

Actually, the UF president in addressing a "sit in" protest crowd in his meeting room, said that he would have an "independent" investigation of the UF PD actions by.....florida police force investigators. The protestors are mainly asking for a truly independent investigation be done, which really isn't that much to ask for. The funny thing is, the Accent organization are the real problem instigators here and i haven't really heard what is happening to them. They have a rocky relationship with most students through the voice of the independent student paper.

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dude just wanted to make a scene and get famous, he had his website biz cards on him and shit. tazer was over the top but when you're acting like an idiot shit happens, thats life. and minkous raising your hands is a sign of surrender but not when you have an officer on either hand attempting to escort you some where, thats when you make life difficult for your self and are likely to end up in some cuffs.

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they Never needed to escort him out! he was going about his cause in the correct way.... asking questions in a question and answer time. no need to even be escorted out, kerry was alreaady answering the question during the assualt. Is it wrong to hope that UF turns into the next Kent State? (where students actually stand up for a common cause)

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