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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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gave my new cures a wash the other day took them out on a mean photohike today.

the construction on these is pretty much shit i must say.




missing beltlooped

fucked up beltloop in front

knees and pockets busting out

lots of repairs and a missing pocket

old school.

these are not going to be my everyday jeans anymore, they are beaten to shit.

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corbin, i think its time you bite the bullet and buy something, how do you say, special?

Chill on the 1/8ths for a couple weeks, mow some lawns, suck some titties, whatever man...then some sda 103's, or pbjs, or canes, or onis, or something...im tired of seeing beautiful wear from you on apc's

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Nice jeans everyone. Here are some pictures of my 1+ year Pure Blue Japan xx005. I machine wash and dry my jeans.

Very nice man. Is that the wear of a Moleskine notebook in your back left pocket?

Also, this is more of a request, but does anyone have any Crate James with some decent wear on them? I would like to see what I can expect from my pair when I'm done with them. I have seen the posts on this forum already containing pictures, but they're not very close up or detailed :/


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the best part of those pics is that chair..i'd love me something like that.

Thanks...both the jeans and the chair rock.

Scaught...that's right, there's a moleskin notebook in the back pkt...the key to not destroying moleskins from sitting on them is to get them in reporter style (pages flip up and down, which I prefer) and pocketing the notebook so that the binding winds up on top. Either that or don't keep notebooks in your back pkt.

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I just hot washed these with detergent for the 2nd time last night



bigger sizes



the contrast was adjusted a bit for the sake of trying to get the black color correct. the pics with no contrast adjustments are the detailed pics where the black (actual) turn out more grey. It fades to white, not grey. so it's a bit deceiving. I adjusted in an attempt to get it back to the correct color.

These are fucking tough.

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^ you know i'd rep you if i could. poly what?

poly rock.

but i've heard before about people having difficult time photographing black jeans.

yeah, it's really really hard to get the correct color on these. the last pics (3) are no flash/contrast and show a grey color, which isn't right, it's black that fades right to white, not grey.

here as well


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