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oh ya, I completely agree... Space isn't really my issue though, I'm more concerned about my final lighting system being enough for however many plants I end up growing. I'd rather spend more money and get legit lights that will only be enough for 2-3 plants than skimp on enough lights for 6-10.

plus 2-3 plants will provide me with plenty of herb until the next harvest!

quality>>>quantity for me!

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size of light really is a matter of light footprint, rather than # of plants,

cause there are a million different ways to get good quality yields

regardless of how many plants you have.

so, what size is the space you'll be using?

drifter is sending out good advice; definitely take a couple months and read up on the forums since you have time before getting started. it will make

everything go MUCH smoother once you're ready to begin.

GROWING is the direction i like to see this thread taking :)

freecat your buddy's setup looks nice! any idea what strain(s)?

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ya I registered on a few of them already and have just been looking around at different grow journals trying to find something that strikes my eye.

I will have a minimum space of 3.5'x5'x8-9' hopefully more since we'll be looking for a new place when I move over there. I'd be perfectly happy with a couple plants if I can get a good yield since I don't really plan on selling any of my product and it's only myself and one buddy smoking regularly.

I'm so excited to make myself self smoke sufficient!

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if I'm smoking an average amount (but mainly keeping my weed to myself) 4-5 days... I can make it last a week to 10 days if I really need to though.

vap's are pretty awesome! Use a lot less weed but you have to change it up, nothing compares to the feeling of filling your lungs with smoke!

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well i usually pick up 4gs for 40 at a time and i'm fortunate if that lasts me 5 days..then i can usually hold out another couple days with the kief that was collected.

anyone ever smoke with completely random people you happen to run into while finding a spot to toke? i've had this happen to me on two separate occasions at the same park i used to go to. it's cool though cuz the people i met were all pretty chill..

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I'm interested in growing in the future but I really don't know anything about it. So the soil brings a better flavor but a hydro system brings you what? Does it make it easier to grow? And what exactly do the lamps do?

If i'm growing one plant, how much bud will i get for each harvest and how long is a harvest?

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if you're serious about growing, make sure to do more reading and less asking questions.

you'll find perks to both growing style it's picking whichever you feel best utilizes your space,

time, and ability.

lamps = light. light makes plant grow.

and there's no way of telling how much you can pull from any "one" plant.... the variables are a zillion

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ever gone frisbee golfing in santa cruz at de la viega? that's like one giant community smoke spot. i've been around to different courses in cali and every one has a 'bowl hole' like half way through where people stop and have sessions.

i went to university in the area and de la veaga was the spot! we'd take 40s and a bunch of blunts out there and would be too lazy to complete the course.

From what i understand, its one of the better disc golf spots

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I followed this one BC lady's plant growth in a single pot (soil) indoor/outdoor, reached about 6 feet.

Yield was about two pounds, which didn't include some bud that didn't make the cut. Would have made a great hash plant, there was a ton of foliage, but she wasn't much of a smoker anyway, so that was def out.

There are little computer case grow labs, obviously that's not going to allow much room for a bunch of buds.

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Yeah, with cfl's it's all about the distance. The trick is to get the bulbs as close to the plant as possible without burning the leaves.

If you want some ideas on how to get started, this is a pretty good thread http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31605

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CFL's are fine for vegetative growing, you can get good growth if you're getting enough lumens. They have too much blue spectrum for flowering and you won't get much yield if you don't get more powerful HPS or MH lights.

My friend is a super hippy, and has done every type of grow except for a really expensive one; indoor and outdoor. (Covert)

His 2'x2' closet yielded a quap, with limiting the height growth to two feet as well.

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the amount i smoke varies greatly day to day. but on avg easily a couple gs.

who rolls 8ths? heheh...

on the subject of plant size and density in the growing area: I want limited veg time, so smaller and more per sq ft is what i do. Big plants are cool and they yield, but when you calculate in the veg time i think its counterproductive. 2 week veg max, 4 harvests a year etc.

dom - you kill me with the og.

got a new canon yesterday, so more weed pics in the thread soon. :)

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