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shit, just shows that weed isn't addicting. i was on hulu waiting for my show to start and i'm watching this whackass abovetheinfluence commericial.



i smoke partly 'cause it gets me more patient... even my brothers know it when they visit "if maude is pissed off and impatient, she's probably sober, make her smoke some".

a few minutes later, i'm cooking for everybody while singing and smiling.

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weed probably isn't very addicting but i'm bored at home and wish i had a joint. like one of those


and then my eyes would look like that (28 days later concept)


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dawg chill out man.

i negged you cuz you made a stupid opinion without backin it up.

and i was bakkked.

wait... wasn't selaviso the one who smoked 91 chem anyways?

im still baked.

all im saying about chem these days is that everything I'VE SEEN is an og x some sort of sour diesel - og is used in lieu of the original chemdawg strain - please tell me your club that has these suppossed apothecary/swerve cuts (and how they know this for sure...) and i will sample myself sir. pm is fine if you wish id just seriously love to try them without being in the 707 for some headband or elsewhere. swerve doesnt frequent nncc - that much i know.

NNCC is my club. period. visit on the 20th for the deals if you don't got a hook and granted it don't have the exotic shit, but its the dankest cheap shit ever. gotta love the valley. you know any of the fools up there? again, lets take this convo to pm because i've been there awhile picking stems if you feel me

regardless, not hatin on you - just an unbacked opinion. white widow is a bomb strain it just has to be grown right. it has absolutely nothing to do with a certain location really its just no commercially grown for clubs cuz its harder than equally / more dank shit with our lack of humidity.

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thanks for reminding me... damn... totally forgot I had a couple tenths of K stashed away from this winter. I've never done it before, and I'm not really inclined to, hence me completely forgetting about the stuff.

someone school me in the ways of the K.

K as in ketamine?! Oh dear lord! Ketamine is VILE, but I have had a couple of nice experiences with it.

Obviously, you sniff it, but be aware...this isn't pleasant - like most of the experience! It is a fairly strong hit and can, on occasion, give you the most insane floating feeling (i enjoyed this). Others report that you can see yourself through a 'fly on the wall' scenario. Overall, the effects you receive are dependent on many variables, but the most obvious one is quantity - be sure not to K HOLE (this i didn't enjoy)!

The only bonus to this drug is that the 'high' is fairly short lived and there is no harsh come down. All this being said, ketamine is a massive drug in the UK and loads of my friends take it on a weekly basis....something keeps telling me they might actually turn into a centaur (greek myth - horse human)!

Conclusively, ketamine is the one drug where i can officially say i was completely FUCKED. Worth a try, but not for everyone :)

Have fun!


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Just my 2 cents.

I have had white widow from the clinic three times now and every time it has been good, but nothing spectacular at all.

Anyways, name your top 3 favorite strains.

1. Hawaiian skunk

2. Alaskan Thunderfuck

3. Romulan

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haha, told my homie that i havent smoked in 5 days.... lets just say he almost had a heart attack lol.... next time i do smoke..oh man its gunna be good.

word. some times a little tolerance break is a good thing. actually all the time. makes when you smoke that much better.

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Someone explain the ins and outs of weed in California to me (a confused Briton), it's legal if medically proscribed but everyone gets it? And what, your doctor gives you a baggie and says 'yo this shit is a good high but you might get some serious couchlock, check the purple flecks on that bud tho mayng'??!

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i've been caught with a little over a half ounce once (collectively, between friends) and the pigs just made us stomp and grind the weed into the pavement and let us go afterward. this is the same old story you'll hear from most californians who have been caught up. getting caught just means you've lost your weed for the night. (unless you pick up another sack afterward and smoke in celebration of getting off scott free 8-))

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