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theres an old angry comedian, i wish i could remember his name, i wanna say bill something.. anywho, he had this great bit about how right wingers love throwing their faith into support of their reasoning behind things like drugs for example. mentioned how if christians/creationists believe that everything natural on "gods green earth" (take weed for an example) was created by their god and put there for a reason, that not wanting people to smoke it is basically telling god he made a fuck up. ('cept he made it all lots funnier ya'know)


there is a good cameo of one of his stand ups in human traffic. i forget if you have seen it already cuz i think i brought it up 34 pages back? (just a guess on pages haha)

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could i get somethin custome-made??


**promise 2 keep ur tank full, super-unleaded fuel

i know yr a gas guzzler...,..

give me a rough estimate, in spanish euros thanks

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what about a thursday morning, smoking weed & knitting while watching this:


No joke I just woke up and this was on my things to do today, well not the knitting part. I meant to smoke a blunt and watch this yesterday in honour of Method Man's birthday but I had shit to do, so today is the day :D.

Enjoy your morning fellow stoners, I know I always do. :cool:

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Packed up a cone, really tight, around 1.5 grams:

(I actually did bother to change the keys).

Nice man. Glad to see you actually did change the keys instead of just messing with a high kid who thinks they spell something out when they don't anyways. Enjoy that cone.

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time to elaborate on my story.

smoked a really fat joint on the way to the train station yesterday. i had intended to share the joint with a friend, but decided to smoke it now, and roll another one for me and him later.

After smoking the joint in quite a rush, i had to get a little jog on to catch my train. once i got to the train i was feeling pretty dizzy from the large amount of weed, small time frame, and the small run i had to put on.

As i semi stumbled onto the train, as luck would have it, i nearly bump right into a cop from the railway squad. to be fair, i was looking sketchy as fuck, and looked like i was on something. They sorta semi-interviewed me, just the basic stuff about what i'd been doing etc etc. eventually they ask me to get off the train with them and they say that they are detaining me for a search (which is apparently legal, due to my 'suspicious' behaviour).

they find a 1/8th and a fat joint. while i'm sitting there freaking out (15 minutes after smoking an assload of weed). i lie to them, tell them its about 1 or 1.5 grams, cost me 20 or so dollars.

eventually they say that if i agree to admit the crime on tape, let them take my weed/paraphenalia i can get off on what they call "drug diversion". I take it. and walk back to my place, freaked out but relieved as fuck. all i have to do now is show up to a 1 hour anti-drug class and everything is let go.

was actually pretty surprised with how light they went on me, i am only 17 for the record.

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One day in the summer during highschool (summer junior year) we were just chillin during the day smoke a few bowls, decided to go back to his place cuz his mom made some legit grubbage.

Figured we'd roll a fatty before we got there, so we roll to our usual spot and let the ceremonies begin, but we were already kinda faded and failed to notice the park ranger closin the gate to the park we were nearby. He drives by and we think.....ok, chill. We didn't pick up on the fact that he turned into a dead end street...so he comes back with his big ass truck lights shinning in my car and makes us go to the curb. Cuffs us and starts talkin all kinds of BS.

He tells us how our cars are gonna be impounded and he used to be a narc. At one point he smells our weed and his exact words "At least you got some good shit". Then he sees a neighbor walkin his dog and calls him over and shows him what "these kids are doin in your neighborhood" and you could tell the guy definitely tokes on the regular cuz he was all fake surprised and shit.

He takes me to the side and I start trying to say anything that will get me the fuck outta there. He uncuffs us, takes the weed and says get out before I change my mind.

po-po smoked my weed

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Can't come into this thread regularly cause I'll just be jealous - all I get in ATL is fucking beasters...

where's the burberry at :(

seriously? hook up with ya'boi luda, he' got that blueberry yum yum

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^that is lenient mane. i got off much worse back home than that kid, and at the same exact age too. i wont tell that story for the thousandth time, but you live in cali, thats like a whole other country when it comes to shit like that, you cant even compare your sitch to others like that.

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