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legit? trade me four for a g.

yeah I just had one and was pretty gone. I probably would have been sick with two. I'm good with bud for right now but if you want to buy some I can get them for you.

on a related note, I have one of the cookies in my desk. it smells delicious but I'm saving it for the weekend. it'll still be good right? the dude said they'll be even more potent the longer they sit.

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cookies are annoying because they destroy your life for at least 12 hours, socially, mentally... you only say nonsense, go to the wrong places and do the wrong things.

i'm going to have one now because my afternoon will be boring otherwise. it makes me traveling without actually traveling which is kinda cool.

last time i was walking the streets with my homie, all cookied up, wearing my persol, and i thought i was in fucking morocco. then i went to Quick (2nd biggest fast food chain here, it's belgian), and i thought i was in barcelona, then i thought i was in copenhagen. then i went to my friends and while wandering in the streets i was wondering why were the people walking and towards which direction. then i arrive at his place. he was fuckin high but not has high as me but we talked about shallow things that didn't make sense, was fun.

then i came back home to nap, which transformed into a sorta full night in the evening, i made some maaaaaaaad dreams about the future and the galaxy.

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I'm a fucking moron. I just smoked a j then went to school, got up to my class, and it's pitch black inside! Nobody was there! So I started bugging out and wandered around for 10 minutes wondering if today is actually Tuesday, if I'd missed a notice saying the class was canceled, or maybe I forgot to change my clock during daylight savings time. Eventually I just left and drove back home, but I just checked my schedule and it appears that class is at 9:30, not 9. argh.

Whatever, I guess I'll just go watch gossip girl.

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