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New Slang Lingo - Any City


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  Caps Lock said:
I've heard the word Hardbody, its a New York word that refers to anything thats extreme or tough. For example "Yo son, you saw my jacket? shits madddd ill, hardbody". We use tight to describe how we're upset. "I'm so tight she gave me a D"

That's really far removed from the original Patrick Bateman-style yuppie usage.

Also, I heard the term "chew" used to answer the phone the other day. I think this comes from "chew the fat" but I might be wrong.

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during my travels this past summer i found out some of this Australian slang:

a SLAB of beer: the same thing as a case in america

"skull it": the same thing as "chug it" in america

and from my experience living in England (spelling is questionable):

knackered: to be tired

bloody hell: fucking hell

bollocks: i think this is either balls or ass!

wanker: fucker

*giving the peace sign backwards is the same thing as the middle finger in america

*sticking your tongue behind your lower lip and brushin your chin with a forward motion of the back of your hand is a similar insult

spastic: is like calling someone a retard

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  haptronic said:
[did] you get eyes for christmas what somebody says when you have been staring at them for too long..or they are itching for a fight.

[are] your ears painted on what somebody says when you haven't heard what they said...or they are itching for a fight.

more from NZ: Gork: to stare

same as did you get eyes for xmas really. people will say 'what are you gorking at?'

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  camc said:
peach/peaches - hot girl/girls

strig - hot girl

sippy - drunk eg getting sippy tonight?

boozey - same as sippy

loisht - anything good. girls, cars, clothes etc. eg that bird (girl) is so loisht.

louie - same as loisht

pewce - anything shit. eg she is so pewce

pewie - same as pewce

crook - same as pewce, pewie

bearded - when youre excited about something. eg: im so bearded over that new shirt.

frothing - same as bearded

d-grader - someone uncool.

wheels - shoes.

rides - jeans. eg check out these new rides. pretty louie uh?

t-o - tshirt

trillet - eating food. eg lets go get a trillet. im starving

sloth - sitting round doing nothing. eg not up to much today, probably just sloth on the couch

soothe - same as sloth

slumming it - not caring about your appearance. eg cant be fucked puttin on good clothes. ill just slum it.

tins - alcohol. eg come down the pub for tin

in ruins - too drunk/hungover eg. got so sippy last night. im in ruins today

from western australia

pretty intersting i live in wa never heard that stuff b4.

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Pittsburghese... its like a different language. I moved here and I had no idea what anyone was saying. For instance the phrase "Chins gawn dawn tawn to drink n'at" or "Gotta red up four all yins from sliberty get here". I know people who will swear up and down the capital is in Worshington D.C.

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here in nerd town...i dont know if you guys have heard ths or not...not sure where it came from but...we say

"el oh el" instead of laughing... i think its spanish

we also say

"bee arrh bee" when we have to go away for a bit... spanish too maybe?

and if you take this post seriously...we use the term fucktard to describe people who take this seriously.

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FOLDED - ugly/fucked up.. That bitch was folded.. them kicks are folded..

COMEDY - Funny

TORE BACK - same as folded

NEVVVVER - no/oh no/hell no.. lets say youre coming home from the club and the homie trys to spit at some ugly bitch and almost crashes in to the curb.. you say: NEVVVVER!

DODI - Choronic

FRUIT SWAGGER - gay/faggot.. watch out fruit swagger @ twelve o clock..

THE SEVEN - phone number.. ay girl let me get the seven though?

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  • 1 month later...
  stfuken said:

what's up with people in seattle saying hella? confused the hell out of me for a good week or so. i kept asking people if theyre from norcal.

I was getting that from a friend of mine last week! She was like "are you from NorCal or something?" every time I said hella.

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  JesseJB said:
I was getting that from a friend of mine last week! She was like "are you from NorCal or something?" every time I said hella.

"hella" is definitely part of seattle slang, not just a california thing. when i first moved to the east coast, cats would give me dirty looks. now, since i've lived here for over 10 years, when i go back to seattle, cats give me looks for using the word "mad" and "word".

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  mizanation said:
"hella" is definitely part of seattle slang, not just a california thing. when i first moved to the east coast, cats would give me dirty looks. now, since i've lived here for over 10 years, when i go back to seattle, cats give me looks for using the word "mad" and "word".

I say "mad" and "word" all the time, too! I transcend!

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