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Guest jmatsu
nah, never gave me a hard time. just didn't understand why i would listen to screaming all day long.

haha! i used to get this all the time!!

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Guest jmatsu

i heard from a friend of mine that a couple years ago the south korean govenment totally cracked down on gentleman's clubs and cathouses. he's never been back there since.

do you guys like frog?

i like frog in french cuisine and certain japanese frog dishes.

i'm in honolulu and there's this korean joint called "frog house." i want to check it out before i leave. is there any tasty frog dishes i should know about and order??

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i'm not getting stupid, but i was wondering why there seems to be a huge christian korean population. do the girls take it seriously?

No, the girls here do not take it seriously. They ain't the ones screaming "HALLELUIA" with their hands up in the air like their male counterparts. Girls go to look for nice boys with fancy schmancy cars and go drink it up after bible study.

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my parents used to have a mercedes, but have now switched to lexuses. so korean!

Thats why you are our dear leader. I would've repped you if you father drove one of those beat up MPVs like every Korean father did, trucking his golf bag along in the trunk.

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i heard from a friend of mine that a couple years ago the south korean govenment totally cracked down on gentleman's clubs and cathouses. he's never been back there since.

The S.Korean government did crack down on a lot of the red light districts such as Miari, 588, Yeungdungpo, Yongsan, etc. but those fucking business clubs (room salons/ktv/) are fully thriving off of coroporate credit cards and the salaryman's monthly income.

Massage parlours are plentiful as well, as most of my discretionary income goes to those damn fucking places. Anma 4 life.

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dennisk : as the newest trainee you shall be Minion #2 until further notice.

However, pending approval from sleazie and ddohnggo-mung, we may promote dizzhizz to the status of Anma Liaison, in which case you will become Minion #1.

btw. is Tarmac Korean, or is that Affirmative Action in action?


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Let me validate my potential new status:

1. Ace - currently they have this Pirates of the Carribean theme, where the girls wear swashbuckling outfits somewhat reminiscent of Jack Sparrow and fellow shipmates. At first glance, I thought I was in the inland empire eating at some Tex-Mex grill. I'm so missing Mexican food.

2. Captain - rooms are individually themed with the likes of racer girl, horny nurse, amazon woman (wtf!), and hip hop ho. Some serious stunners in there.

3. BMW - You'll get a suprise visit from two horny nurses wearing masks. Wham-bam-thank you maam.

4. Baek Song - You'll want to repeat this experience. No matter how many times you ride the Colossus at Six Flags, you just gotta do it again with your hands up in the air.

5. Roma - A great value fuck for Korean standards.

I need some green rep please.

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This thread is really hitting its stride. Really well rounded conversation.

analog have we completed a background check and cavity search of the n00b? I am not opposed to your suggestion, minion #1 is ready for a promotion soon. Until then the n00b shall be minion 2.

jmat thanks for the PM. I figured arag. My discount card only gets me 3%. Was the 10% an instore thang?

Anywhoo, I think there seer also buddhists in Korea but not sure how far they date back.

ddonhger why you listen to screaming all day? Nuh-moo nah shi-kuh-ruhpt-ah! I emailed you about that thing.

dizz way to contribute. I'm very proud of you. You make me sooooo happy. I would consider you for our treasury dept, but now I know where our discretionary funds with go. But next time I'm in Korea I must goto a washie-washie

Never tried frog kstyle before, but if imagine there is some gochujang involved. I hate that raw bluecrab they give you as banchan, I mean really, who eats that?

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cavity search of the n00b?
We need to find a minion to perform those types of, uhmm, honourable duties.

Also, I've been thinking... we won't be a fully respected/recognized team until we can coerce/co-opt/kidnap/bribe/convince/cajole one of the Sufu Queens (female) to join us.


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Guest jmatsu
This thread is really hitting its stride. Really well rounded conversation.

jmat thanks for the PM. I figured arag. My discount card only gets me 3%. Was the 10% an instore thang?


friends with the staff. get bigger discounts when the owners around...

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dizz way to contribute. I'm very proud of you. You make me sooooo happy. I would consider you for our treasury dept, but now I know where our discretionary funds with go. But next time I'm in Korea I must goto a washie-washie

Thanks sleazy. I'm actually looking forward to the title of Anma Liason and moving up the ranks because MIK drives a Volkswagon Jetta and I drive a Hyundai.

I deserve better than this.

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analog I agree. We need a yuhjah to give our organization some cred in the heterosexual community. We will brainstorm, I am not opposed to a caucasian.

Tarmac is indeed a peep, but then again he could be lying, as I thought he was french, but he's not.

Also, no secret alliances with axis p, we have totally different agendas. Just sharing some knowledge and supergay shopping tips.

dizz please refrain from begging for +rep from within the team.

lib your info was appreciated, however, I think dizz has the pay-for-pussy dept on lockdown. Please focus your attention on our WoW advice column, arasuh?

In unrelated matters, has anyone else been paying attention to kj Choi as of late? That shibal sekki is tearing it up!

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