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fuckig spiders

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Anyone enjoy pulling worms almost as long as you out of your body?

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holds onto it of course what if that shit start chasing you down the hall, you gonna need something to fight back with besides your bare hands. FUCK I AINT TOUCHIN NO BUGS!

That makes me think of that scene in Indiana Jones when there in that tunnel full of bugs and those things are everywhere and she has to reach in that hole and pull the switch. I always cringe during that part.

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I was more grossed out by the tuby-wormy things in the swamp than the giant bugs :P

The bugs inside the log that Naomi was hiding in were grosser too.

Everything disturbed me in that scene.

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saw one of these freaky shits in a 7-11 in Taiwan.


that fucker crept close to my leg and my buds scared me shitless when they yelled at me to get outta the way. we told the kid working there and he just shrugged it off and nonchantly stepped on it. damn I hate being so afraid of spiders...

for some reason I'm not afraid of these giant tarantula joints:


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i bought this device that sends out high freq waves which you plug into a power socket and it drives all the creepy crawlys away from your house. ever since i bought it, i've only had encounters with big ass spiders once every 10-12 months.

what i hate the most is walking at night time and walking into spider web. my body goes into spastic mode trying to get it off my face. i nearly ran into one of these the other night.


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i dont know why i chose to view this topic seeing as im a pussy when it comes to spiders..

I dont care what size they are, small or big i fuckin hate em with a passion..ne whoo

If you guys ever head off to afganistan, be sure not to sleep out in the sand dunes too much.. i hear these things called Camel Spiders bite you to numb ur body so u dont know they're there and they eat ur flesh while you sleep.. It also runs up to speeds of 20-25kph..so dont expect to outrun this bitch if ur in the sand..thats like running up against donavan bailey in 100m dash


Yay, its my 500th post..half way

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oh, thanks for the heads up rome..

im guessing someone posted up the black widow too then?


Six eyed Sand/Crab Spider

They are arguably the most venomous group of spiders in southern Africa. Six-eyed sand spiders have a virulent cytotoxic poison capable of destroying tissue around the site of the bite and throughout the body, causing massive internal bleeding. Tissue damage from a bite can be extensive and severe, but bites to humans are not well documented. However, under experimental conditions, rabbits envenomated with Sicarius venom died within 4-6 hours and autopsies revealed extensive damage to subdermal tissue and skeletal muscle.

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So I stop by my buds house today notice a big ass daddy longleg on the outside wall by the entry door as I knocked ..

His 7 year old daughter answers the door and I say check this big ass spider out and like poke its leg softly . Shes like ewww ..

k so now the spider has two of its legs cocked out like in " wanna fuck " mode so I grab one leg and throw it her way kinda like jokingly / scare tactic ..

I underguesstimated my spider toss strength and it landed ...

right ..

on her ...

cheek ...

she ran away like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhh nooooooeeezzzzzz ...

Im like damn but I walked in and she was on the couch with a pillow like brushing her face smiling ... for a VERY hot second ..

Then all of a sudden started crying like no tomorrow ..

I just felt so bad and hugged her like sorry sorry sorry baby x 100 and she just looked at me like " I am officially traumatized you fucking shithead " I told her I didnt mean for it to land on her but spider have invisible wings that guide them where they wanna go and he prolly wanted to kiss her on the cheek cause she is so cute ..

Seemed to work .. she stfu ..

damn lmao

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why am i up at 6 am reading this :[

its funny cuz when i was younger i used to like bugs and how unique they looked and moved and all that.. they were cool, till i started learning things and finding out some were poisonous.

now when i see spiders and shit im like OH WTF..

sitting in my room with all the lights off.. paranoia sets in O.o

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^ aw snap. jumping spiders are my jam! known to science as one of the "smartest" invertebrates on earth. they exhibit problem solving abilities previously thought to be exclusive to the higher order of animals. for instance members of the Portia genus are able to spot their prey (web building spiders) and figure out the best route to capture it without being seen. this includes having the potential prey leave its line of sight for long periods of time while it selects its path, thus implying the jumping spider works off of "memory"- spots its prey, works toward a goal.

anyhow, heres some pics of rad-ass jumping spider variations:

ant mimic jumping spiders-



beetle mimic-


bird-shit mimic-




pure genius. i'd like to meet the spider who made the executive decision- "yo, im tired of being eaten by birds and other animals. what can we disguise ourselves as to makes us less appealing to predators? hmm...wait a second, bird shit NEVER gets fucked with! get the memo out!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have banana spiders down here in Florida but I've only seen them when I'm in wooded areas. Luckily I've never seen any of those big ass spiders in my house or anything but roaches/palmetto bugs are everywhere around here.

The first Creepshow movie that had the story with the roaches everywhere fucked me up as a kid almost as much as Jaws.

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