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Interest Check: Dior Homme Orange Overdye - size 31


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Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing my Dior Homme Orange Overdye jeans in a size 31. They're MII and were originally a 21cm that I had professionally altered to 19cm. They're in great condition but 31 is just not the right size for me.

Will post pics and measurements when I get home but I'm looking for $325 + shipping (from Toronto).

Pm me with questions or offers.


Edit: Price dropped to $315 shipped.

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any pictures of how they fit?

I'll post some fit pics and measurements later tonight. Be forewarned though, these do not fit me as well as I'd like since they're not my size (I'm 5'7", 175lbs - 31 is DEFINITELY not my size). That being said, I can still button them up but can't really slouch them. You'll see what I mean.

Pics(any spots are from the camera):




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these aren't the S/S 05 overdyes, they're the f/w 06/07 dust wash. FYI.

Hi All - having spoken with FTB2, it seems that these appear to be the dust wash jeans.

Apologies for any confusion I may have caused - certainly didn't mean to mislead anyone.

Regardless, these are an amazing pair of jeans that I'd definitely be keeping if they fricking fit.

But they don't so they must go.


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