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Hair Thread


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so i'm getting my hair cut tomorrow night.

as usual, i've got no idea what i'm going to do....i've been growing it for quite a while now, and it's starting to get relatively long.

i'm at a loss whether to keep growing it, or cut all the shit off.

i'd personally be more than happy to shave my head, but my girlfriend can't fucking stand it.

here's how it looks at the moment....


as you can see, i'm badly in need of a snipsnip....it's been over 3 months as i've been growing it.

the top pic is soon after a wash (pretty frizzy), and the others are a few days after, when its definitely time for another wash.

should i keep growing it? my hair is naturally slightly curly, so it can be pretty unruly when longer....

if i go shorter, i was thinking of doing something perhaps slightly more edgy.

maybe something slightly similar to mass - ie. shorter sides, longer on the top.

or maybe similar proportions but a little longer like hali, or the photo below.


i'm always crazy indecisive with this shit.

any thoughts....?

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Photographed hairstyle would work good for you I think. You really need to do something with it, though. It's making you look young in a bad way.

yea jpgm's current hair definitely makes him look young and even kid-ish. something shorter is gonna really emphasize that gaunt look he has and make him look alot older, which i guess could be a good thing or bad thing. personally, i think it'd be a good thing

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ok, like almost everyone else in here i need help/suggestions. i'll let the pictures speak for themsevles, but i've been growing my hair out a little longer than normal. i don't really know how to get it cut/style it at this length. all i know is that i don't like how it looks now. it just has no form, it's flat, boring, and messy. i'm fine with the length, i've never really had it that short ever, it's been about 2/3 inches shorter than this since i was a kid. i've considered just chopping it all off and getting a short haircut, because my current one is a mess. but i figure i'll give the long hair one more chance.

yes, i already know it looks horrible so i'd appreciate constructive criticism/suggestions. any ideas on cut and/or products? (i've never used products before, this is just dry and combed.) thanks in advance.





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yea jpgm's current hair definitely makes him look young and even kid-ish. something shorter is gonna really emphasize that gaunt look he has and make him look alot older, which i guess could be a good thing or bad thing. personally, i think it'd be a good thing

you do know hes not like, old, right?

maybe im weird but i like it the way it is. although i think the style in the pic would work well too.

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you do know hes not like, old, right?

maybe im weird but i like it the way it is. although i think the style in the pic would work well too.

im not sure, i assumed he was in his early twenties, late teens..? either way, i think it's never really a good thing to look kid-ish, but i guess that's my opinion.

i saw jpgm's new hair cut in his waywt. looks ok. think he shoulda cut it differently

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I was lurking that bombhead website and I found one called the "wolf mohawk"

This is me now:


This is the Wolf Mohawk:


I would pass on the wolf mohawk. It was popular 2-3 years ago and now all the fukinese and mexican kids in ny have the wolf mohawk.

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Anyone have an idea of what kind of haircut this is?


The video has more of a view.

I saw the music video not too long ago and I searched them up to try to find a picture. This is the best pic. I could find but the video shows a better view?

Anyone have an idea? I'm thinking its like a nakata cut but a bit longer in the back and sides

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Damn, jpgm. I was hoping you tried something like that instead of just going super short. You have almost the exact same hair as i do. I've been meaning to get a decent cut, but it's a lot of work to get it to do anything without time and a bunch of product so i just let it do whatever for the most part. Eventually...

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