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superchunk at Mc Carren pool sunday


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June 24, 2007

McCarren Pool @ McCarren Park, Brooklyn NY


anyone else going? i don't think i'm physically allowed to miss a superchunk show now that they don't really tour anymore. Their daily show set in november was unreal, and it was probably the best i've ever seen them (been into them since i saw them on Lollapolooza in 96?)

easily the least appreciated american indie rock band there is today.


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Depending on the time. If it's at like 2:00PM I can make it, but later, not so much.

Would highly enjoy attending.

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polvo are a bit harder to get into. but, at the very least, mac signed them

yeah, I didn't know this until recently when I was looking at their wiki page, but apparently they are into some sorta "math rock" scene where all the measures change up & they do 6/4 time or 7/8 time. And they sound like they don't tune their guitars--which is why I love them so much.

Back in the day we'd be driving around trying to find skate spots in my friends car & he always had the chapel hill shit. Archers of Loaf was pretty good. I liked the Portastatic side project too. But he had this "Precision Auto" remix EP that was SO awesome. I've been trying to find it ever since.

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anyone going to sonic youth on july 28, or tv on the radio july 29?

i'm still up in the air about this one... i'm trying to decide whether or not i want to drop $300 on a plane ticket to fly to ny for this... typically i'd say no but i know tons of people that are going to be flocking to the city for rock the bells... so tempted! :mad:

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i'd say go if you can, but if you're really gonna bother flying then you should stay for both days considering TV on the radio is free. anyways, their playing other festivals and concerts this summer where they'll be preforming daydream full

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