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GothxStreetwear during the summer?

jake snake

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It's good to be toned but getting huge ala abercrombie models isn't.

Or you can be skinny and have some muscle.

One thing to think about:

Getting huge will get you laid more.

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one thing to think about:

you'll look like a total douche with all that muscle...

nothing will look 'great', it'll look average - okay.

no more slim jeans otherwise they make you look like you're from the movie set of robots or something disney.

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Correct me if I'm wrong Jake,

But are you not the same "Snake" who made posts about the following:

1. How to look like Bobby D in Taxi Driver

2. How to nail the Skinhead look

3. Why people spend so much money on High Fashion that immitates workwear aesthetics

And assortd posts about how to acquire various other "looks" that I can't recall at the moment.

If so: What gives man?

Or was that a different snake?

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why would having muscles and being toned be a bad thing?!

overdone i think it looks wack, but girls DO NOT think that skinny pale ass dior models are hotter than abercrombie models. and the ones that do, tend to be ugly in the first place. its a sad reality, but 99.9% of the time "artsy" "scene" girls are fucking ugly, they only look decent because they try so damn hard to look good. then a cute, fit as shit, blonde slaps on some sweats and you bust a nut in your MIJ's.

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i dont frankly think that first guy is BUFF...hes well toned and in shape, as for the first dior picture, thats ridiculious in reality, if u go out or anything and looked like that girls would laugh in your face....

i think as long as youre fit and toned you'll be fine, no need for 16"+ arms...refer to any relatively famous actor...johnny depp, orlando bloom, brad pitt, etc etc... not BUFF, just toned.... thats my opinion though...

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Take the jacket and sweater off that guy (no homo) and he's a twig. Not just thin, but sickly thin. The topless guy in the drooping jeans isn't buff or big. He just has low body fat without being anorexic - thus some definition will show. Dude still looks mad weak though.

The ultra-thin silhouette has been the fashionable look for menswear for some time now, and with reason. The stark sharp lines look great in a skinny suit. Very Egon Schiele-esque. But they all look awful at the beach or naked. And no matter how good your clothes look, if you look like shit naked, what good is that? Sure some of you may have partners that enjoy the emaciated Rwandan refugee physique, but it isnt a sexually appealing form. It's a boyish and sexually underdeveloped look and triggers visual responses to adolescent figures.

I believe in universally defined beauty, and certain human forms adhere to that standard. In nature, form follows function, and functionality is beautiful - the reproductive prowess of an iris flower, the eyecatching colors of birds of paradise, the power and size of an elephant, the camoflouge of a tiger's stripes.

The human body, likewise, is a product of functionality. The human male ideal as captured by the ancient Greek sculptors, the Babylonian muralists, the Rennaisance painters - these have been constants throughout history. A virile, youthful, sexually potent and athletic male. Muscular and naturally equipped for killing prey, subduing human enemies, and impregnating females. This is the male ideal.

And a deviation from this is a display of genetic weakness..of unfit form and the consequence of poor function. Men, don't be afraid to be men.

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Take the jacket and sweater off that guy (no homo) and he's a twig. Not just thin, but sickly thin. The topless guy in the drooping jeans isn't buff or big. He just has low body fat without being anorexic - thus some definition will show. Dude still looks mad weak though.

The ultra-thin silhouette has been the fashionable look for menswear for some time now, and with reason. The stark sharp lines look great in a skinny suit. Very Egon Schiele-esque. But they all look awful at the beach or naked. And no matter how good your clothes look, if you look like shit naked, what good is that? Sure some of you may have partners that enjoy the emaciated Rwandan refugee physique, but it isnt a sexually appealing form. It's a boyish and sexually underdeveloped look and triggers visual responses to adolescent figures.

I believe in universally defined beauty, and certain human forms adhere to that standard. In nature, form follows function, and functionality is beautiful - the reproductive prowess of an iris flower, the eyecatching colors of birds of paradise, the power and size of an elephant, the camoflouge of a tiger's stripes.

The human body, likewise, is a product of functionality. The human male ideal as captured by the ancient Greek sculptors, the Babylonian muralists, the Rennaisance painters - these have been constants throughout history. A virile, youthful, sexually potent and athletic male. Muscular and naturally equipped for killing prey, subduing human enemies, and impregnating females. This is the male ideal.

And a deviation from this is a display of genetic weakness..of unfit form and the consequence of poor function. Men, don't be afraid to be men.

Did the development of arts and philosophy that went on during the whole XXth century pass you by? Are you going to talk about social Darwinism and man in a state of nature next? Not to be an asshole or anything but sincerely, and this has nothing to do with being buff or not, you really need to catch up on some ideas, you’re the flat earther of aesthetic appreciation.

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Postmodernism has taught us that there is a bit of leeway now, with the convenience of modern civilization. We don't live like savages anymore and strength is of little importance in financial success in this age of cubicles and computers. Modern art - abstract expressionism, cubism, deconstructivism, have all served an important role in human aesthetics by expanding our visual vocabulary. But their goals were not the same as the classical artists who were attempting to capture the beauty of the human form and were intellectual journeys designed to revolutionize a stagnant creative pool.

One area where intellect and reasoning do not come into play is pornography. Its made to do one thing - get the viewer off by arousing him or her visually. And as the silhouettes on the runway change with the times - the figures we masturbate to remain constant. Because sexually beautiful forms bypass all the bullshit we clutter our minds and intellects with. It is an unbroken chain of desirability from out primate ancestors up in the trees checking out the monkey ass to our fishy forefathers spooging all over a sexy female fish's egg spawn.

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