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My, 500 gb my book (external harddrive) took a shit in my mouth after a few months of light use.

And WD just sent me an email that basically said I could fuck off and die... they're not going to help me.




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Wow .. actually this same thing just happened to me, I made a thread in here a couple weeks ago.

500 GB WD MyBook crashed on me. I think it was due to using this program Crossover on my Mac which managed to reformat my drive even though I set the settings not to mess with external devices.

I spent $500 with this company CBL to recover my 250 GB of data that was on the drive.

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I didn't have anything on there that was super important, just some mp3 archives, so no big deal, But still.

The light on mine just keeps blinking and os x wont recognize it. Which, according to WD means that the drive is dead.

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I had basically all my shit on mine. 200 GB of music, about 50 GB of movies and then more importantly all the graphic design work I've done the past couple of years and my photos from traveling .. so I really needed that shit back.

But anyway, mine was doing the same thing, the light was blinking like it was loading but nothing would happen. Mac OSX would recognize the drive in the hard drive utility application but it would not show up on my desktop like it's supposed to.

When I sent it in to the company they said the problems were:

"Corruption of the master boot record."

"Corruption of the file system structure."

I wrote WD a couple of e-mails but they didn't even answer any of them. I checked the WD forum to see if anyone had a similar problem, but their whole forum was posts about how shitty their tech support is.

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And WD just sent me an email that basically said I could fuck off and die... they're not going to help me.


this just made me laugh so hard for no fucking reason, but i feel ya keagan and fuck wd

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In disk utility there is something called "disk1s10” underneath the drive which wasn't there before, and is probably my problem but disk utilty can't repair it. Does anyone know of anyother disk repair apps?

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That's why you don't buy high capacity hardrives. Better to loose 250GB than 500GB. I've also been looking into buying a external, and as of right now, I'm going to just buy a enclosure and buy internal hardrive as the internal ones have better performance. As for the external market, the new Seagate model you should stay away from those, to me Western Digital is good, I've also heard Maxtor is stepping up their game these days.

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Seagate bought Maxtor.

Keagan, most likely your drive is dead and all data is gone. You can try Disk Warrior to selvage some data but it might be too late.

Also try this:

Unplug the drive from the Mac and from power. Unplug everything from the Mac ports and disconnect the power line. Let it stand for 20 min. Reconnect mouse and keyboard and start the Mac. Connect the drive to the Mac and later connect the power to the drive. Only after the drive is connected to the Mac power the drive!

Every hd brand breaks, I like to keep mine unmounted. I never had a problem on my personal or work Macs but my clients always do so you're not the only one.

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Where did you hear that unplug everything tip from? It sounds silly, Im on a macbook so I doubt that is relevant. And I tried disk warrior but it freezes when I start it up. (because it can't access the disk I am assuming)

hard drive is totally fucked.

I am going to like drop it a few times or something.

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my dad worked quality control at hitachi for awhile so we have a ton of hitachi internal and externals laying around. the one i've been using hasnt had any problems for about 2 years.. i guess i should be getting a new one just in case.

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I'm a nerd (with a certificate) so I know few things. You're doing something wrong if DW can't access your disk, even when it's fucked you can still see it. It's a powerful software, just read the manual and try again.

Sorry, I didn't see you're on the macbook. You can still try it but you have to take the battery out for some time to reset the ports. I'm sure a specialist can still save your data unless you already took a piss on the drive.

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I am going to like drop it a few times or something.

I wouldnt do that if I were you. If for some reason the company does a backflip and decides they want to be of any help whatsoever, they will tell you to fuck off it it comes back to them with huge dings and shit.

If they definately don't do anything about it throw the HDD through their office window.

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I'm a nerd (with a certificate) so I know few things. You're doing something wrong if DW can't access your disk, even when it's fucked you can still see it. It's a powerful software, just read the manual and try again.

Sorry, I didn't see you're on the macbook. You can still try it but you have to take the battery out for some time to reset the ports. I'm sure a specialist can still save your data unless you already took a piss on the drive.

yeah, thanks for the help but dw won't even boot up with the drive plugged in. It boots up just fine with out it plugged in, so something is seriously wrong. Disk utility does the same thing only, if I start up du without the drive plugged in and then plug in the drive, after du has booted up then I can see the drive, but if i try to do literally anything with it; from erase to repair- I get errors.

And I am not really worried about the data, i've just got like 45 gbs of music on there that is alreadly on my mb harddrive. It is there just incase my mb drive dies on me.

knock on wood x11442332.

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fixing hard drives is a bitch. a few months ago my windows computer's hard drive completely crashed and windows wouldnt boot.. chkdsk /r saved me thank goodness and now its back and running.

its a matter of time before shitty windows shits on my hard drive again and i gotta redo the whole proecess of running around trying to wipe window's ass.

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I find it very weird that they refuse to replace your drive. As far as I know all drives have a minimum 1-year warranty on them. Usually it's even 2 or 3 years. If your drive dies after only a few months they should replace it for a new one immediately. Period.

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My, 500 gb my book (external harddrive) took a shit in my mouth after a few months of light use.

And WD just sent me an email that basically said I could fuck off and die... they're not going to help me.




if they're not going to help you, you might as well take it out of the enclosure and see if you can plug it into your ide or sata connection.

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