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The Flat Head 3001 World Tour


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well i got it at a store here in Richmond called elwood thompson's . it's a whole foods/organic grocery store, probably the most expensive grocer in town for obvious reasons. but they are the #1 place in town for soap. they have a shitload of all of the types of bronners, as well as a large variety of small batch, organic soaps. some made by locals who supply the store, and some brands are long well known. some of the soaps are pricey, but forreal a lot of the better shit is cheap. the kirks castille is like $2 usd/bar, and the chandrika is $2 or less. a small bar is enough for at least 10 jeans washes, so were talking less than 25 cents worth of soap per wash. i don't use dr. bronners anymore cause i've been short of $$$, and the lye bar soaps work just as well. i just dampen the whole jean, then rub a decent amount of the soap directly onto the denim. then i massage the soap in with only the soft tips of the fingers, then i dump them in my wash bucket repeatedly and rinse until the water is clear.

TV if you want more i'll send it with the belt i'm making you that i forgot to tell you about;)

heres an online review of the chandrika:

''I have used this soap for well over 10 years and it still remains my favorite. While Chandrika Ayurvedic soap is handmade using no animal products, it's intoxicating and fragrant scent along with its outstanding properties as a soap are what have made me a fan for so many years. It never dries your skin yet cleans your skin completely. The packaging is also a big part of my love for this product. Each bar is stamped on both sides with an imprint and individually wrapped in clear cellophane wrapper which is then wrapped with a folded parchment sheet printed on both sides with the soap's 9 ingredients (coconut oil making up over 66%). At the bottom of the paper wrapper it states "Always Use CHANDRIKA Ensure your Personal charm." I hope you will give it a try. It's a magical little item that is inexpensive, but wonderful.

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Not much going on in my neck of the woods, all i did was go to school today..


At least I worked on my sculpture a little more so it doesnt look as much like loch ness....


I might be going to the Art Institute downtown chi tomorrow....

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medine, i still got the old one, i've discovered like 2-3 pages in the back after all, so i'll send it to you to finish it off. kiya said to send it to him, but it's not completely full so i guess it would go to you. i'll let him know the situation...

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Went to the city for a few hours today, sorry aho i wasnt able to drop in....

Waiting for the train..



Waiting On the Train..




The Sears Tower, or Willis Tower as they are trying to make people call it now. bullshit..



I think these new police trucks are badass...



This is my favorite block to look at downtown, don't ask why...


Finally made it to the Art Institute..


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Oh, @ salaami, I can't wait to get my hands on that journal, i cant wait to read all the great stuff that's in there!

I'm about to throw the jeans in the wash so they will be dry in the morning, they are kinda gross right now with rust, oil, mud and cheeto stains. The woman is getting a little grossed out.

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Flea market cont...



There was a military dealer there, and I got these jackets..

This one is from WWII..



Got this for my brother, not military, but vintage and made in england..


Also found a guy with some work wear..


Got this beauty of a jacket (will post more pics in jacket thread soon)



Big Ass Sign..


....Back to the suburbs....

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medine, great updates...wish I was available to make it out to that flea market...hit me up if theres anything good in the suburbs, I never really know whats going on out there...

I'll PM you the contact info for when you're in town!

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I want to have the journal on hand for the Sufu part at SESF on May 1st, was it already mailed out to me?

Whoever has the jeans now, please buy a new notebook and start it all over again..

I can't believe how long this tour has lasted, it's almost like the longer it lasts the more valuable the jeans are making each mail-out to the next person that much more important.

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^Longest running tour and still going strong! I wish I wrote more in the journal but enjoyed reading all the epic entries (ordo, jimmyc to name a few)...And for any who read it, I no longer work for the company I admitted working for...errr... ;)

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I just realized I'm in Africa and someone should take advantage of that for tacking another continent onto a jeans-tour. If these jeans are willing to make the transatlantic trek, I'd be happy to host them on my legs for a few weeks...?

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I just realized I'm in Africa and someone should take advantage of that for tacking another continent onto a jeans-tour. If these jeans are willing to make the transatlantic trek, I'd be happy to host them on my legs for a few weeks...?

That would be awesome, these jeans need to see the entire world!

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yo jimmy, i was in auto zone the other day wearing the shirt, and a lady asked me what flathead meant. all i could say was that it must be a reference to flathead screwdrivers.

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I'm not sure why that amuses me so much.

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