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The Dark Knight

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IF there is a cause there is a effect. The effect might have been chaos, but the cause and instagtion of factors causing that chaos took a lot of planing and thought, which, inherintly could be argeued to not be chaotic at all. So i agree and disagree with you both...

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  Magnetic said:

It seemed to me that The Joker did all these things just to prove that he could, there was no real material goal he longed for, perhaps epitomised by the burning of the money. Not only that but he pushed Batman so far he had to go against his morals and use that sonar device. I'd say he represents chaos pretty well.

I'd say that's the reason why the Joker represented "Chaos" to Nolan.

While he meticulously planned out everything, he did it for no "real" rhyme or reason, that's the chaotic part about his character. He does things because he can, not because of some ulterior motive. The closest he came to having a motive is his attempt to prove that when pushed, there are no "rules" or norms, but that motive isn't necessarily in opposition to the idea of what he represents; If you took away all his plans, would it still be in his character to be one without rules/boundaries? I believe so, and that's why the Joker is the representation of chaos.

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The very acknowledgment of rules and boundaries by a person is in fact proof that they are not acting in a state of chaos but in a state of disorder. The infliction of chaos unto others just shows that he is in fact quite controlling in his nature; that he needs to prove something at all is even further proof of it. He has a agenda, to see people break, and that is not chaotic, thats a thesis of action. He says many times in the movie that he has no agenda, but when you watch it, he does, and in that, there is no chaos... anarchy perhaps.

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