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Besides basics, is there anything worth buying at H&M?

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I've done a search on this, but obviously I got no results considering the characters are too short.

I've only bought t-shirts and thermals at H&M.

I know people pick up their button-ups as cheap alternatives to designer pieces since they're slim fit. I'm heading over to an H&M today, is there anything worth picking up? Decent hoodies, jackets, or something?

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Guest StuckOnStupid

no. it is disposable clothing. i just threw out 3 stripey-sweater jobbies and a pair of herringbone trousers, i hadnt even washed em, but you can just tell they would look like shit if you did.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

the point im trying to make i guess, is that if you are actually BUYING clothing with real life currency, you might want to have only a couple really nice things, as opposed to a plethora of shitty-quality things. H&M is inexpensive for a reason, and that reason is it's quickly designed, shoddily assembled, and - aside from a few decent pieces - is made with poor-quality materials. it'll look great the first, second and 6th time you wear it, but it's a wrap after that.

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I have only two pieces from H&M and I'm quite satisfied with them:

1)A black linen scarf, pretty well made and still going strong. I don't buy expensive scarves although I do find some lying around on the floor or in the subway from time to time.

2) A black metal chain, don't wear it often but held up pretty well too. Nothing fancy but does the job.

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I have some slim fit button shirts and pants I wear for work, and they've held up pretty decently. I also have some random stuff from there that hasn't held up well at all, like one of the buttons fell off a sweater and a long sleeve tee stretched out like mad. I hear the hoodies are really crap so I wouldn't vouch for those (but if you absolutely must have, wait a month for the sale when they're like $15 each.)

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I got one of those grey and black striped hoodies that were all the rage, and though it's lost some of its shape, it still looks pretty decent and the construction has held up fine.

We'll see though. When I wash it, it'll either crisp up again, or fade out and fall to pieces.

I own nothing else from there, and prolly go in there less than twice a year.

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I have some slim fit button shirts and pants I wear for work, and they've held up pretty decently. I also have some random stuff from there that hasn't held up well at all, like one of the buttons fell off a sweater and a long sleeve tee stretched out like mad. I hear the hoodies are really crap so I wouldn't vouch for those (but if you absolutely must have, wait a month for the sale when they're like $15 each.)

When do stores normally clearance off their spring/summer clothing, out of curiosity?

Still looking for more opinions on H&M, though. Thanks for posting guys.

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co-sign on the linen scarf. I also got a chambray shirt from HMs "& denim" line that nice quality. It was around 40$.

Some things are better quality than others, just check around. I have a printed tee thats almost perfect fit, and have stayed like that for more than 10 washed for example.

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When do stores normally clearance off their spring/summer clothing, out of curiosity?

Still looking for more opinions on H&M, though. Thanks for posting guys.

i think the sales start at the beginning of june, and final markdowns are in mid july.

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H&M overhere in Europe has always sale. Also it's totally unclear when something goes on sale. Some pieces anounced in the spring/ summer collection a few months ago already went for sale in April. At the moment there dumping a lots of spring stuff for 50% an 30% of the original price. It looks like that they just wanna get rid of clothing that just doesn't sell fast.

What I do know is that H&M has individual designteams that have great indepence, here's a quote:

One of the secrets to H&M's speed is decisiveness. The people in charge of each collection can dream up and produce new fashions on their own authority. Only huge orders require approval from higher-ups. "We have a flat organization. We have a shorter way to a decision," says Sanna Lindberg, president of H&M Hennes & Mauritz USA. That makes H&M fashionable in more ways than one.

That's also probably the reason that H&M has now and then reasonable good stuff (in quality terms) but generally speaking quality is a disaster which can be quite frustrating because they sometimes have nice designs and fits.

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I own two hoodies from H&M one is black and one is striped, so far they have held up fine. But even though I've owned them since December, I've only washed them a couple times, never dried them in a machine.

The black one somehow stretched out a bit, the other has kept it's shape fine.

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buy some button ups for work

the thing is, at least with my hm, is that stuff goes out of stock and restocks so quickly. what might be there two days ago will be all gone come the weekend. so you really have to go there often and snoop things out to get nice stuff.

beware of the impulse purchase.. ive bought stuff on the account that it was just too cheap not to buy. i havent worn such items since... meaning that money is down the toilet.

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buy some button ups for work

the thing is, at least with my hm, is that stuff goes out of stock and restocks so quickly. what might be there two days ago will be all gone come the weekend. so you really have to go there often and snoop things out to get nice stuff.

beware of the impulse purchase.. ive bought stuff on the account that it was just too cheap not to buy. i havent worn such items since... meaning that money is down the toilet.

Totally true. Beware of impulse purchases. Happened too me a few times.

btw overhere in Europe you have 30 days to bring your purchases back and have your money returned.

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The quality tends to vary a lot. I shop there quite a bit, and I've had some things that just about dissolve 2 weeks after buying them, and some that have held up quite well. Some of their pricier dress shirts are actually quite nice, and I remember seeing some cashmere sweaters they had that looked like they were better than the usual stuff. However, it must be noted that a good percentage of their clothes are atrocious quality-wise. I bought a polo shirt there for $10 and it was basically unwearable after 5 washes or so.

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What stuck said plus the basics are garbage too. I washed the plain Ts in woolite (with the rest of my whites) and took out of the dryer damp. They came out crinkle shaped and the texture changed dramatically. I did the same wash with my uniqlos and they a) didn't shrink and B) came out exactly how they went in and c) stayed soft. It's like the second any water touches the fabric it turns to crap. Also my black socks pilled for about 30 washes, I had black fuzz everywhere. Def the most annoying thing ever. Switched to uni and haven't looked back.

PS. The only things worth buying seem to be poly blend stuff. My white pants and scarf feel like they will last a litlte while. Also agreed on the impulse buys, so easy b/c it's cheaper than dirt so gotta watch out.

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The more expensive button-ups that run $39.99 I think are decent, they'll survive a few washes but aren't a substitute for anything nicer.

I have a green heathered hoody that I've worn for probably a year and it is incredible, unbelieveable quality, probably can't be matched price-wise.

And a slim-fit H&M suit is also very, very nice quality for $250 with a great cut.

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i don't think i've ever even bought "basics" at H&M. too expensive. give me a 3 pack of fruit of the loom tshirts and boxers and i'm good to go.

where the fuck are people getting $250 suits? every slim fit suit i've seen at H&M has been $69 for the jacket and $30 for the pants. Under $100 suit? i can live with that.

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Hm. Well, I just got back, and I picked up few slim hoodies, a few henleys, a nice looking jacket, and a couple t-shirts. Other looked great, but I knew the quality wouldn't allow for more than a few wears.

Damn, they have some cool stuff there, but I just know that a lot of it will deteriorate over time. Too bad they can't make a "Premium" line or something, their cuts are excellent.

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Hm. Well, I just got back, and I picked up few slim hoodies, a few henleys, a nice looking jacket, and a couple t-shirts. Other looked great, but I knew the quality wouldn't allow for more than a few wears.

Damn, they have some cool stuff there, but I just know that a lot of it will deteriorate over time. Too bad they can't make a "Premium" line or something, their cuts are excellent.

i'm sure it will last you more than a few wears. i've had h&m stuff that's held out through a few years of washes now.

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I've found that you just have to be picky when you're in there. I grabbed a black military-style button-up for $20 over a year ago that's held up absolutely great, as well as a western-style shirt from even further back. A thin pinstripe blazer set me back $60 and still feels like new, too. I did pick up a white hoodie with some thin blue stripes that has held up better than what you normally hear around here, but I haven't ever put any of their items in the dryer, and it needs cleaning more often since white gets dirty so quickly.

I really wish we had Uniqlo north of the border.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
i steal a lot from H&M.

i don't feel qualified to talk about their clothing, as such.

my girlfriend loves free earrings she doesn't have to worry about losing.

yeah, i caught a pair of those black "sliq" jeans last week, just so i could have jeans i could wear in the office. they fit pretty well actually, but as i was popping the beep tag off, it just like...ripped right through the tissue-paper denim. what the fuck? people actually buy these jeans?

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