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How much time do i have left?

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I just came home from some light skating and i noticed this on my crotch 3.5 month old NS..Can i keep wearing them without worry, or should i give them up to repair now?

Also, Since these were never washed, or soaked, when i do patch it, will the patch and denim itself shrink differently causing wrinkles? Should i wash them, then repair, or repair and keep wearing them...If anyone has someone thats good at these kind of repairs in the nyc area, email me please, [email protected]...



Any help would be greatly appreciated

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the shrinkage issue is an interesting one...

but i'd patch those myself. very easy to do. just cut out a square slightly larger than the hole, handstitch the square to the jeans with the square inside the jeans, then run some threads across and over the hole like warp transplants.

someone posted an archived 45rpm method in the superdenim enyclopedia.

martha stewart would have you cut a square out of the area with the hole, then patch with another piece of cloth from underneath-----but that seems crazy, man. crazy.

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the formula is simple: the earlier the better.

the longer you wait, the more the damage could spread.

there are few posts about repairing denim by yourself if you search. but if you'd rather have pros do it for you, the 45rpm store might be a good place to look into.

ns doesn't shrink, so you could find a sanforized patch if you're worried about it.

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I should probably finish reading your post before replying. Repairing before a wash wont mess up the way they shrink... but I wouldnt repair it with a patch anyway. Use the 45rpm method where you sew back and forth to make it blend in with the denim.

Just go ahead and handwash them and find a tailor who can do this for you.. its a good idea to wash them beforehand so you dont freak them out

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Thanks or all the help, I know that NS dont shrink down a size or two when you wash them, but the waistline, and all the places that stretched originally will be a little tighter, which i dont mind,

As for the repair, Ill probably end up trying it myself, as i dont think the jeans need the wash, and NS are known for going limp after the first wash. Only thing thats still bothering me is the wrinkling that might occur.

Do you think its better reinforcing the entire crotch while im at it, or just do it on a problem by problem basis.

Thanks for the help guys.

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