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  canice said:
i hate modern life is war. if ever there was a more self-indulgent, whiny band, they'd be called american nightmare.

lyrics are wordy -- their faults end there. but whiny? guitars are effective on my love my way, sometimes brilliant on witness. a rock-solid rhythm section. live show is great. lyrics may slip into diary-mode, but never slit-my-wrists wes bullshit. that's everything anyone needs from hardcore.

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MLIW has definitely garnered a whole lot of attention in the past year or so and I admit I do enjoy them from time to time, but people hyped them up way too much. Still I'm upset that i missed them a week and a half ago with The Geeks and Expired Youth.

and holy crap the fucking Geeks! Love this damn band, so much energy.

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haha, someone else is into the geeks :)

MLIW is ... sometimes I'm into them, sometimes it feels a bit contrived. Can't really explain it too well.

seconded on Municipal Waste. Last time I saw them the place was at least 100 people over capacity (small 200 person venue). Boogie boards, beer bongs, and cruster punks abound. Good times.

Haven't really gotten into Fucked Up, but perhaps they warrant another listen. Personally I'm more into The Bars and The Bronx. Anyone into Cursed? Got the new EP and I don't know if it's enough to hold me over till III. I need to see them again live.

Anyone into Ultra Dolphins? Recently saw them with Tiny Hawks and they'll be comin round my area again with this Icelandic hardcore band called I Adapt.

Recently got the new Hot Cross and Comeback Kid... neither are impressing me like the earlire material did. Comeback Kid's new vocalist is great, but the southern sound is trumping their oldschool sound which was the fun/enjoyable part for me. Hot Cross, it hasn't blown me away yet, but it's a decent listen thus far.

Uh... has anyone started a sendspace/megaupload thread here? I feel like there's a lot I'd like to hear from the diverse superfuture crowd.

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  fndmybetterhalf said:
i missed Champion's last show in Seattle but some of the video clips i saw on youtube are insane.

Champion's last show was quite awesome, I don't think I have ever seen El C that packed (and of course, the bar empty as I like it).

Lots of cool reunion shows happened too; Contingent's show was great.... but I think nothing beat the insanity of Trial's reunion. That was a solid show.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:


jihad, too.

still have all my current 7"s. they were good. chino horde, too.

i'd love to take that AA record off you, but i'm not liquid.


if anyone wants three JULIA 7"'s, i will sell.

anyone remember?

jihad! acme! starkweather!

i have some vinyl and cds around here somewhere... i think i may have a starkweather live video too.

anyone get into the swedish metal bands? like liar?

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  xcoldricex said:
jihad! acme! starkweather!

i have some vinyl and cds around here somewhere... i think i may have a starkweather live video too.

anyone get into the swedish metal bands? like liar?

fuck, coldrice!

i still have that ACME record with the kid on the swing on the sleeve-----love the full metal jacket samples. i love that 7", but haven't heard anything else. i love it.

starkweather had the best lyrics: every stone that you cast upon me, bruises me lovingly

i just got the chills



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I have the ACME 7" and LP. The LP just has a couple of extra songs that came out on comps and some live stuff, so you aren't missing much there. There were a bunch of bands from Europe around that time with similar sounds that were all amazing: Wounded Knee (from Luxembourg), Luzifers Mob, Mine (both from Germany I think), you could throw Voorhees from the UK in there also, but they were more of a grindcore/powerviolence thing than the others. All those bands were great and super under-appreciated. If you dig ACME and stuff like Rorschach and Citizen's Arrest you need to start digging for these records.

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  LetsGetSerious said:
there is a not enough cleveland hardcore in this thread at all:


one life crew


nine shocks terror




I've been listening to so much Integrity this week. Those Who Fear Tomorrow rules. Don't forget Ringworm.

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i got into hardcore about 6 or 7 years ago but faded slowly since. and i guess i've gone through all the cycles, old school, grind, thrash, metal. some of my favorite bands have actually come out after the 90s. but what i like most..




gorilla biscuits

american nightmare

disciple a.d.

carry on


falling cycle

a new kind of american saint


modern life is war is ok. i saw them maybe two years ago and i had no knowledge of them but the rest of the crowd did. i figured it was just another bandwagon band that orlando kids were jumping on. lame

i guess i'm fading out of the scene but everytime i hear a good new cd i kind of get back into it and start going to shows again. but then i just get pissed by all the pitbosses with fashion haircuts that try to beat the shit out of me and lose interest. whatever i'll always have good clean fun.

also thexgeeks are fuckin sweet.

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  walt said:
i got into hardcore about 6 or 7 years ago but faded slowly since. and i guess i've gone through all the cycles, old school, grind, thrash, metal. some of my favorite bands have actually come out after the 90s. but what i like most..




gorilla biscuits

american nightmare

disciple a.d.

carry on


falling cycle

a new kind of american saint


modern life is war is ok. i saw them maybe two years ago and i had no knowledge of them but the rest of the crowd did. i figured it was just another bandwagon band that orlando kids were jumping on. lame

i guess i'm fading out of the scene but everytime i hear a good new cd i kind of get back into it and start going to shows again. but then i just get pissed by all the pitbosses with fashion haircuts that try to beat the shit out of me and lose interest. whatever i'll always have good clean fun.

also thexgeeks are fuckin sweet.

nice! a person on this board who actually likes american nightmare and carry on!

converge also, haven't been to one of their concerts, but i've heard its basically a fistfight during the saddest day.

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  mlproject said:

government warning

career suicide


cause for alarm



monster x


falling forward


The new Career Suicide album is so awesome.

Here's the stuff I've been listening to:


Renee Heartfelt

Black SS


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