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  bkforever said:
anyone listen to orchid? amazing amazing amazing band. so is pg. 99. black eyes isn't exactly hardcore....but it's good stuff. neil perry, some girls, ampere, usurp synapse, ed gein, an albatross. once again not exactly "hardcore" but good stuff.

don't listen to orchid, but some girls=give up the ghost's former singer, and the locust bassist=great. and ed gein isn't too shabby, i was supposed to watch em in concert, but i didn't go.

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When referring to the 80's DC/ Socal hardcore scene than I am all there. Though, when it comes to hardcore in the NYHC influence sense of the word I kind of pick and weave around a lot of bands. I don't like madball or bulldozer or agnostic front or h20...

I like Cruical Unit, Municipal Waste... a couple months ago for like a week I was

listening to lots of skate metal, thrash stuff.

I really don't like any of this modern "hardcore" shit. Actually I listen to ed gein, see you next tuesday, circle of dead children... circle takes the square quite frequently but I've been informed that those guys are "grindcore" and not "hardcore". Whatever. I thought grindcore was reserved for thouse with long hair and fascinated by gore and sadi-masochism .

anyone like Broken? You can download a broken ep here.

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well... if you really want to get into "labels", Circle Takes the Square hits more of the screamo section.

recent screamo listens/favorites:

funeral diner, raien, pg. 99, city of caterpillar, circle takes the square, textbook traitors, love lost but not forgotten, shikari, orchid, neil perry, joshua fit for battle, majority rule

recently also been into this South Korean band called the Geeks. I was surprised they came through my area since I'm in such a small place where most hardcore bands pass over. I was never around for the 80's hardcore scene and in some eyes I'm just a suburb raised kid who knows nothing about the lifestyle these people created hardcore in... but to me it was all about the music and one's dedication to it. Although their english was broken and they were sick and delirious, the Geeks floored me with their sincerity and beliefs about hardcore. These guys had a lot of stuff stolen from them when they visited San Francisco, which is bad enough considering how much money it takes for them to tour the US. And yet they still were chuggin along doing what they cared the most about. It was what they were all about, regardless of how Korean society viewed them or how hard it was for them to make a living. I have a lot of respect for them, and i'm glad that every once in a while a band can come around and not only humble me with their music, but also with their outlook on life/hardcore. It's becoming a less common thing in "modern" hardcore.

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  poly800rock said:
i don't know anyone who DOESN'T listen to orchid.....

sorry, I'm pretty new to the hardcore scene. i mostly listen to local hardcore, and other bands that i can still see in concert. if you could recommend me some fundamental hardcore albums it would be greaty appreciated.

  keagan said:

I really don't like any of this modern "hardcore" shit. Actually I listen to ed gein, see you next tuesday, circle of dead children... circle takes the square quite frequently but I've been informed that those guys are "grindcore" and not "hardcore". Whatever. I thought grindcore was reserved for thouse with long hair and fascinated by gore and sadi-masochism .

well yeah, ed gein isn't really hardcore, it's grindcore. and grindcore isn't just about gore, thats more gore-grind and death metal bands like impaled and exhumed if you want to be specific :D. a lot of grindcore is political, but i'm not really into it so i'm not about to talk about something i don't really know.

as for the modern hardcore stuff, yeah those bands shouldn't really be associated with that label. but internal affairs, outbreak, the first step are playing hardcore nowadays, and pretty well.(at least in my opinion.)

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sounds like you're into the oldschool influenced stuff.

you might like:

carry on, the geeks, lights out, go it alone, righteous jams (earlier stuff), risky business, judge, have heart, mental, down to nothing, iron boots, miles away--

just browse top 8's in the myspaces for those 'modern' hardcore acts.

man, i just realized you're from the bay area. you get some pretty great stuff comin' through the area. i'm originally from south of the bay and drool whenever i look at some of the things comin through.

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  dystaind said:
sounds like you're into the oldschool influenced stuff.

you might like:

carry on, the geeks, lights out, go it alone, righteous jams (earlier stuff), risky business, judge, have heart, mental, down to nothing, iron boots, miles away--

just browse top 8's in the myspaces for those 'modern' hardcore acts.

man, i just realized you're from the bay area. you get some pretty great stuff comin' through the area. i'm originally from south of the bay and drool whenever i look at some of the things comin through.

Carry on, go it alone, have heart i do enjoy, i'll check out the other bands when i have the time.

And yeah some pretty good bands pass through the bay, but it's died down a little since the PoundSF closed. RIP pound... it was my favorite venue too. Now there's the Gilman (awesome), MACLA (mostly shitty pseudo-"hardcore", and tough guy), the Phoenix Theatre (in petaluma, pretty far north), and the random venues like the balazo gallery and the 12 galaxies.

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the pound is dead!? guhhhh-- i went to a few awesome shows there during the summer and was wondering why i don't see anything else going on there.

saw a few great shows goin on at balazo as well as the 12 galaxies. went to the phoenix a while back although it's pretty far from SJ (where I'm originally from). and the gilman... good god I love that place. I need some friends in Berkeley so I can just bum a place to sleep after getting thrashed at shows.


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  arem said:
Yep that was us, the record was called "Sweep The Leg". A guy in St. Louis actually got that cover tattooed on his forearm for some reason. Freaked us the fuck out when we saw that... I think I still have few copies somewhere if you're interested.

Shits crazy right there.

My friends all used to be in a band Thulsa Doom (I know you gotta know about them from ABC days) who developed a cult following of little kids from westchester/LI/CT. Last year they set up a myspace, and it was immediatley swamped by happy fans, one of whom revealed that she had got the lyrics to a song my boy wrote called "we are both human" as a backpiece!

Needless to say we had a good laugh about that one. If you know the song, and its misguided but heartfelt lyrics about "equality", it makes it all the more amusing.

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  arem said:
That was CHANGE, one of my faovrites from back then to. My band was on the Simpsons compilation they put out.

And Slug & Lettuce was put out by Chris Boarts, she was always totally cool. She's married to one of the Avail guys now. Still puts out the zine but very infrequently cuz she's a mom and all that stuff now.

Dude - Change was the best zine.

Reading this stuff is so funny man, I work for a record label now and as i read this I happen to be listening to the new hot cross album which i just got a promo of in the mail. I miss this stuff so much.

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  d said:
Dude - Change was the best zine.

Reading this stuff is so funny man, I work for a record label now and as i read this I happen to be listening to the new hot cross album which i just got a promo of in the mail. I miss this stuff so much.

the guy from hot cross posts on here....ha. I met him at a show in philly....he goes up to me and says "are those the contest samurai's?" his name is mcflip. good guy.


found my copy not too long ago, it's still a good read some close to 10 years later, how they managed to GIVE these away blows my mind. All that photocopying, must have pulled the kinko's trick.

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  poly800rock said:
the guy from hot cross posts on here....ha. I met him at a show in philly....he goes up to me and says "are those the contest samurai's?" his name is mcflip. good guy.

haha funny stuff

  poly800rock said:

found my copy not too long ago, it's still a good read some close to 10 years later, how they managed to GIVE these away blows my mind. All that photocopying, must have pulled the kinko's trick.

Next time I go visit my mom I'll have to look for old copies of change, last time I went home I found an old threadbare shirt, and the first vod shirt ever made. When I was growing up, vod completely ruled long island

  denimdestroyedmylife said:
i watched some hotcross vids on youtube

they really do the gravity thing right

glad someone is carrying the torch

yeah man

remember you and I? & Saetia?

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Shits crazy right there.

My friends all used to be in a band Thulsa Doom (I know you gotta know about them from ABC days) who developed a cult following of little kids from westchester/LI/CT. Last year they set up a myspace, and it was immediatley swamped by happy fans, one of whom revealed that she had got the lyrics to a song my boy wrote called "we are both human" as a backpiece!

Needless to say we had a good laugh about that one. If you know the song, and its misguided but heartfelt lyrics about "equality", it makes it all the more amusing.

Don't know the song, but I remember Thulsa Doom well, we played/hung out with them a few times.

There were a lot of great bands out of ABC that didn't get enough shine: Distraught, Molotov Cocktail, The Krays, Awkward Thought, or going even further back Merel, 1.6 Band, Citizen's Arrest, Puzzlehead, Inflatable Children... and I'd include my band in there too. Most NYC bands don't tour enough to break out of the area, but a lot of those bands could and did blow the "big name" bands off the stage at shows on the regular.

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finally picked up the new Lifetime...its ok, not even close imo to jerseys best dancers or hello bastards..its a decent listen, like 12 songs in 20 minutes.

anyone into Fucked Up? anyone seen em recently? i havent really heard much of em but there playing here next week...thinks its worth skipping out work? i havent been to a show since last august to see GB.

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  Larry Bird said:
anyone into Fucked Up? anyone seen em recently? i havent really heard much of em but there playing here next week...thinks its worth skipping out work? i havent been to a show since last august to see GB.

go see fucked up.. i saw them twice in one weekend last year and loved every moment of it

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My favourites:

Anti Cimex, Raw Power, No Security, Mob 47.

Anyone listening to these? All of them are swedish except Raw Power which are italian. Sweden had a really cool hardcore-scene in the 80's with very nice music.

<- Anti Cimex - Raped Ass

<- Anti Cimex live from 86

<-- Raw Power - Live from 83

If you search Mob 47 on youtube you will find a lot, they have reunited not a long time ago.

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new lifetime lp is awesome. when they play here i hope they at least don't make it overly obvious it's just a cash grab.

go see fucked up. toronto bias aside, i think this band is one of the few current hardcore bands doing something original.

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woa nice topic.


+cro mags

+black flag


+bad brains

+kill your idols

+gorilla biscuits (and gayrilla biscuits too, of course)

+sheer terror

+zero boys (not hc but had to throw it in because their 1st was amazing)


+municiple waste (i peed my pants when i heard these kids were in their early 20's)

+terror (don't hate)

then the jap stuff:

+rocky and the sweden



and so on.

on the side note, joe coffee(sheer terror paul's new band)'s lyrics are so wrong, it's borderline hilarious.

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  fndmybetterhalf said:
i missed Champion's last show in Seattle but some of the video clips i saw on youtube are insane.

yeah, what i would have done to have seen champion's last show... or carry on's for that matter.

or even betrayed last october, the gang vocals in Understand filled the whole stage.

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  artificialsky said:
canice killed hardcore.

i think you said that in this very thread 10 months ago. i liked you better when you were a real poster.

and i hate modern life is war. if ever there was a more self-indulgent, whiny band, they'd be called american nightmare.

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