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ABC reveals that "Lost" will end after 3 more seasons, 16 uninterrupted episodes each season: http://tv.yahoo.com/news/article/urn:newsml:tv.reuters.com:20070507:lost_dc__ER:1

What do you guys think about 3 more seasons? I think it's a very long length of time, but I'm very glad that the show is going to be aired uninterrupted.

I love it! :D

This show rox.

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I wish i could have got on the LOST bandwagon. I was watching from the first episodes, but hate that ambiguity that was just all over every single piece of plot.

The whole darma iniative name and idea makes me want to get in to it, i just have not had the moment. Damn you all for making me Jonze.

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. . . isn't his native language korean? i remember hearing an interview where he said he was glad to be able to portray his own nationality for once, not chinese or vietnamese or japanese, korean..

i know Naveen Andrews (Sayid) didn't speak Arabic before the show so he had to learn, not positive about Jin.

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I dunno, though the last couple episodes have been an improvement, the 3rd season (both parts) have totally stunk it up. For eample, what the fuck was up with that spider-bite buried alive episode? Much like I have a hard time putting down a bad book in which I'm halfway through, I fear that I may be stuck with Lost for 3 more seasons, when in my estimation, it could be wrapped up in 10 episodes and probably still would suck.

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i think the buried alive episode was a response to the audience's growing hatred of paulo and nikki. they were shitty characters that everyone wanted gone...i think the writers actually tend to follow the message board banter and respond in episodes, and the burying alive was the worst way they could think of to kill everyones least favorite characters.

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. . . isn't his native language korean? i remember hearing an interview where he said he was glad to be able to portray his own nationality for once, not chinese or vietnamese or japanese, korean..

i know Naveen Andrews (Sayid) didn't speak Arabic before the show so he had to learn, not positive about Jin.

Jin is a Korean-American, thus has a horrible English accent when speaking Korean. Its quite obvious and apparent from his pronounciation.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
Jin is a Korean-American, thus has a horrible English accent when speaking Korean. Its quite obvious and apparent from his pronounciation.

i knew a couple koreans who were shittin on this dude about the same thing when lost first came out.

but when Roots premiered lo those many years ago, black people didnt shit on Levar Burton for not being able to speak perfectly accented fuckin swahili.

point being is there is a male ASIAN(probably the most underrepresented ethnicities on TV aside from native americans and aboriginies) lead on a wildly popular prime time serial that is being portrayed NOT as a mystical martial artist, beard stroking triad leader, or bucktoothed coolie doing someones laundry, but as a well rounded character who every woman i know is like "i want to fuck that man."

you should be on his fuckin dick.

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Guest StuckOnStupid


it is CONFIRMED that, (including bitchass charlie of course) FIVE major characters are going to be bodied by the season finale.

im thinking






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Guest StuckOnStupid
i think the buried alive episode was a response to the audience's growing hatred of paulo and nikki. they were shitty characters that everyone wanted gone...i think the writers actually tend to follow the message board banter and respond in episodes, and the burying alive was the worst way they could think of to kill everyones least favorite characters.

you are correct.

however i have heard that Billy Dee William's casting in Nikkis flashback was not coincidental...and it is kind of a sideways hint to where the "island" really is. Think where Lando Calarissian lived in star wars....

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Guest StuckOnStupid
I wish i could have got on the LOST bandwagon. I was watching from the first episodes, but hate that ambiguity that was just all over every single piece of plot.

The whole darma iniative name and idea makes me want to get in to it, i just have not had the moment. Damn you all for making me Jonze.

honestly dog its better if you just get both seasons on DVD and just watch as many episodes a night as you can, its way more engrossing than waiting a week between each.

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i have heard that Billy Dee William's casting in Nikkis flashback was not coincidental...and it is kind of a sideways hint to where the "island" really is. Think where Lando Calarissian lived in star wars....
honestly dog its better if you just get both seasons on DVD and just watch as many episodes a night as you can, its way more engrossing than waiting a week between each.

I've heard that concept about Cloud City before, and it seems like it would back up why they didn't hear a plane or anything when there was a food drop.

And buying the DVDs and watching it marathon style is perfect, but just be ready to have no life whatsoever for about a week while you pound through 44 episodes of the most addictive shit ever.

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Theyre all dead, eh?

You guys think this is true, or is it another curveball? Personally, its starting to piss me off. The doc is a shitty fuckin charachter, and that crazy other bitch, the blonde, shes just plain annoying.

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i dont think its possible man...think about ethan and that new guy who's name i can't remember (gave Locke sawyer's file) introducing Juliet to the Island...if they were all dead, this would imply that they murder-suicided in order to get to the island. shitty explaination.

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im thinking






I also had those five in mind. Sawyer has seemingly fulfilled his purpose so he's gone. Locke is no longer scared of his father and that was his whole reason for wanting to stay on the island, so he's gone too. Juliet, I believe, is going to save Sun and her baby, and by doing so, she's going to fulfill her purpose. I don't know what Ben or Charlie's purpose might be, but they're both douche bags and I want them to get killed off.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
. I don't know what Ben or Charlie's purpose might be, but they're both douche bags and I want them to get killed off.

aaaaaand how.

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i dont think its possible man...think about ethan and that new guy who's name i can't remember (gave Locke sawyer's file) introducing Juliet to the Island...if they were all dead, this would imply that they murder-suicided in order to get to the island. shitty explaination.

Alright, but what if ben is lucifer (he was born there, innit), and all the others are heaven's little helpers, sorting out who goes to heaven, who goes to hell. Ben manipulates them all to be bad (ie. revenge instead of forgiveness) so as to gather as many souls as he can. Thats why all the kids and "chosen people" disappear (or go to heaven) and everyone who seems to have some revelation and isnt troubled has to go.

To be honest, I dont think they know what theyre working to, it seems like theyre just writing to fill the next episode.

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i knew a couple koreans who were shittin on this dude about the same thing when lost first came out.

but when Roots premiered lo those many years ago, black people didnt shit on Levar Burton for not being able to speak perfectly accented fuckin swahili.

point being is there is a male ASIAN(probably the most underrepresented ethnicities on TV aside from native americans and aboriginies) lead on a wildly popular prime time serial that is being portrayed NOT as a mystical martial artist, beard stroking triad leader, or bucktoothed coolie doing someones laundry, but as a well rounded character who every woman i know is like "i want to fuck that man."

you should be on his fuckin dick.

word fucking up.

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btw, if you watch heroes, the guy who plays hiro really sucks as an actor speaking japanese. plus his friend speaks with an incredibly thick korean accent.

it's so distracting that i can't watch the show. it's like someone scratching a chalkboard.

also, hiro is the stereotypical asian nerd who white people love to put in movies and tv shows. goddamm you crackas!!!!

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okay, i think i speak for collective lost fans when i say "WTF" ... honestly, Jacob is invisible is really really gay. But the Island natives don't age?! And Locke, dying in a pit?! Jesus christ my penis can only hold so much blood!

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I'm kind of pissed they decided to go all supernatural. I remember when the show first started, teh producers said there would be a scientific explanation for everything, but that is obviously out the window.

Also, I really hope locke doesn't die, he's definately one of the most compelling characters at this point. I'm so fucking sick of jack and kate.

John Locke is the new raw denim.

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