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i'm gonna assume u at least played high school ball.

it would of stopped play, you should know that.

but whatever that game was like a week ago. who gives a fuck

comparing it to playground ball was fucking retarded though.

well in a series where a guy can stick his hand through the basket right past the net to visibly goaltend and not get called or seen by 3 separate refs, makes me pretty sure we shouldnt be comparing any of the officiating to high school ball,


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it wasnt a fucking foul you ass hat. Kobe was in the motion of keeping the ball away from his defender and at the same time looking for an open man to pass to. Nelson ran up on him as he spotted fisher. Kobe saw fish and stopped motion just as nelson ran up on him, directly into his elbow. Not to mention nelson flopped hard based on the impact that was created. That shit happens everyday on playgrounds across the fucking country now shut you bitch crying and deal with it

that's your truth and I respect that.


...and every commentator with half a brain agrees with me.

fuck it. i'm not a magic fan, and I really could give two shits about this series. we're in an nba with fucking mixed casual netball rules on contact, and I would love nothing more than the officials to relax their sphincters and let dudes play some basketball. but jesus, that's some fucking the rock people's elbow shit going on, HOW ARE YOU NOT GOING TO CALL THAT? Especially this late in the game when it has potential to decide outcome?!? Man, truly that shit makes me sick. and it makes me even more sick to see fans stick up for the call like it was fucking justified when we have the privilege/burden of being able to see every play in slow motion from every angle.

own up and back down.

thankyouverymuchforplaying, i'm stepping down from my soapbox now and going to sleep.

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can i play i will spit in famous face

No one wants geek ass Napoleon Dynamite lookin' dudes on their team.

Sit on the bench son son.


Btw, all you dumb motherfuckers bitching about the elbow call don't know shit about basketball.

Dumbasses, stick to the gay runway shit you guys watch and skin tight clothing.

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Btw, all you dumb motherfuckers bitching about the elbow call don't know shit about basketball.

Damn son, I never saw it that way. Imma step down now, as you've pretty much proved all us dumb motherfuckers wrong with your crazy jedi mind trick logic.

I'm going to go home and rethink my life now.

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Damn son, I never saw it that way. Imma step down now, as you've pretty much proved all us dumb motherfuckers wrong with your crazy jedi mind trick logic.

I'm going to go home and rethink my life now.

you forgot the TEN

seems obvious you'd think but some lack it like they lack common sense.

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^ Good, because I don't feel like reading any stupid shit anymore.

Well that is an easy fix, just don't read any of the posts by FAMOUS.

I would love to hear your interpretation of that play were it Kobe eating that bow and the Magic winning the game because of it

I don't even know why you so mad all the time?

I guess I would be pissed if I flossed a shitty rolex and had to try coaxing girls to come back to my moms house.

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hope shaq goes to cleveland lebrons. hes still got a good two more years left in him and instead of just kobe vs lebron in next years finals, kobe vs shaq and lebron. drama...

hope lakers can close it out to tonight on the road but im not worried because they'd just be delaying the inevitable if it heads back to LA for a game 6

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if you look at it the other way, nelson could have gotten a foul for puttin a hand on kobe's pass (jaw to elbow)

happened to my boy in a league game, except instead of his elbow, he headbutted a guy coming to double team and got to shoot 2 free throws

and anyone who thinks kobe did that shit on purpose, you kidding me? blame the refs.

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can we just do a sufu west vs sufu east basketball game?

BiG can make our jerseys.

selfedge can make yours.

notesee will break ankles in his DBSS.

i'll bring jeep if he is off ban to just stand there be goofy tall and clog the lane.

but u west coast playground refs might call 3 in the key.

lol oh yea we got icandunkonyou too.

your whole team will be climbing statues waywting or something

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