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Grab in Hollywood = The next BC and AA?


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I just had a conversation with someone about basic items e.g. blank tees and hoodies.

I told this guy that I wasn't a huge fan of BC or AA. He told me

that there's a LA-based company called Grab in Hoollwood that makes high quality basics with nice cuts. They are affordable. I think they cost a little more than AA but less than BC.

Is this old news? I don't know anything about this label...

Or is this one of those hollywood trends that SuFu users don't subscribe to?

Looks pretty cool. What do you guys think?

One phrase summary: "basics with a twist"



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i'm assuming that the pieces listed on japanese sites

are ~1.5 to 2X the actual retail price @ fred segal.

I don't think it's too bad of a deal.

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Funniest part about people arguing expensive basics is that in actuality, a Hanes 'beefy' tee is probably on par in terms of practical toughness as, for instance, a Loopwheeler t in the long run. It's a t-shirt.........we're not using it for trench warfare here. Even my cheapest t-shirts have lasted me several years.

Precisely the argument I was trying to put forth in the "High Quality T-Shirts" thread, but failed to do so, and in many more words.

The fits look awfully comparable to AA.

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go for the cereal and zelda, e beef isnt worth it

for me: basics can be obtained from target and if i need something slgihtly less basic (polo or whatever) ill get cheap aa

basics arent the pivotal part of an outfit so i dont see why i should spend more than 25 on something that is only there to support whatever it is in my outfit that i actually care about, jeans or jacket or something.

even for me 25 seems like a bit much

ive been wearing some of the same fruit of the loom colored tees

for the past 3 years, not a single hole or anything,

like also stated, hanes makes great basics

plus everything you can get at target works wonders as well.

but i do like the designs on the grab in hollywood, thanks for brinigng them to our attention sir herps

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