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I stayed in New College. 75% engineers (read 99% socially retarded), 24% phys ed (okay people, keep to themselves mostly), 1% everyone else. It was terribel.

I am friends with lots of people from Vic. It's sort of like the hipster college, in a way. Lots of kids in English, high female to male ratio.

Innis has no meal plan, which is good/bad depending on what you make of it. Also the cheapest.

St. Mike's is for Wops.

Woodsworth is for international students.

University College is for the general student population.

Even after all these years, I don't really understand Trin. It could be fun I guess.

All in all, it doesn't matter after first year really, but my ranking would go:

1. Vic

2. UC

3. Innis

4. Woodsworth

5. Trin

6. St. Mike's

7. New

If I were to do it all again.

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  Hocus Pocus said:

1. Vic

2. UC

3. Innis

4. Woodsworth

5. Trin

6. St. Mike's

7. New

In terms of res, Woodsworth is by far the nicest (apartment style, 4 students to a suite, each with an individual room, shared kitchen). My friends in Vic res hated it for the most part. I've heard good things about Innis res, aside from the meal plan issue Hocus mentioned. If you're not a practicing Christian it'd probably be best to avoid Trin res.

Aside from res, the college you choose really only affects what newsletter you get and which writing centers you can use (which probably won't affect you much since you won't be writing many papers in sciences.)

At the end of the day though, it doesn't matter much.

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i got kicked out of vic, so my opinion of the admin isn't that high - they're veering towards a very uninteresting ethos. never been to a good vic party.

despite that, the campus is either the best (looks great, etc.) or it's tied with UC. usually a lot of girls. library is one of the nicest.

but if you go to vic, make sure all your res choices are burwash or lower burwash. the rest of them are not too good socially and/or environmentally.

i guess u of t is a poor choice for social environment anyways, so you might as well go for it

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I lived in New College for a year as well. The admin is pretty harsh there... by December I was on 24 hour probation. The only real perks at New were the food there were some pretty cute phys-ed girls who were always down.

For the most part St. Mikes is shit. My buddy is a don at More House which is the only decent res there.

Vic is alright as long as you're ok with hipsters... don't think lookbook.nu type hipsters... for the most part these kind are not the most attractive breed.

Innis and Woodsworth are both pretty hit or miss because you don't know who your gonna end up sharing your space with... I've spent many nights at both though and some people definitely get lucky re: who they live with and have a great time

Stay the fuck away from Trin.

If I had to do it again I'd probably go with UC. It's the most central, decent meal plan, not too too strict, and there's enough of a mix there that you'll find a place to fit in no matter what.

I wouldn't recommend 89 Chestnut for res just because of the walk and the fact that you need to sign all your guests in.

Hocus: When did you live at New and what building?

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Ha, another former New resident here (05-06). When were all of you there?

Adding to what's already been said, New is the closesto the gym, Vic has the most money (scholarships, grants, activities etc), WW, Innis, and the new UC building are the nicest residences. Go for UC or Vic.

Also, the engineers I lived with were all pretty cool. Don't let it be the deciding factor if it comes to that.

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Trinity is both full of dongs and absolutely fucking filthy. I never partook in the res life, but I know that there's no disciplinary dons in Trin, which at first listen sounds like a good thing, but I imagine it would be utterly shitty to live with a hundred freshman with no one telling them to clean up after themselves. Also, I don't know if this an option for you but I would suggest skipping res altogether. Especially if you're over nineteen. It's really just a hassle you don't need.

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Yes, if you are over 19 definitely skip res.

I was in New-new 05-06, and I hated it. I didn't meet anyone I particularly liked in res, the caf was open at inconvenient hours, and the rules made me paranoid about my weed selling habits. Vic is really hit or miss, but that's better than most of the student life at UofT which is really just miss and miss. Generally, anyone with some sense discovers that going to UofT means that your social life will end up having little to do with the University directly.

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  gramps said:
Also, I don't know if this an option for you but I would suggest skipping res altogether. Especially if you're over nineteen. It's really just a hassle you don't need.

skipping out on res may be a possibility. i've only really heard good things about spending first year in res though. kinda forces you to interact with different peeps? idunno. I've been antisocial as fuck this past year since all my friends are either still in high school or away at uni and i usually work weekends, so think i wanna mix it up with some new faces.

p.s thanks for all the input t.o bros.

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i've met approximately five people in res that i'd actually want to hang out with once i move out. so, about as many as you can meet by going out for a night. i used to be a proponent of res in first year as a social thing, but looking back i'm starting to reconsider that.

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  futuredwight said:
Adding to what's already been said, New is the closesto the gym, Vic has the most money (scholarships, grants, activities etc), WW, Innis, and the new UC building are the nicest residences. Go for UC or Vic.

I visited my friend at WW and thought it was really nice. Not too sure about the people, but in terms of the res, it was definitely above standard.. walked into her room and I was pretty shocked.

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Yo, anyone know where to get hilariously fake Ed Hardy/Christian Audwhatever shirts downtown for cheap? I'm going to a Jersey Shore theme party this weekend. (Ron Ron Juice) The more foil stamped dragons coiled around roses the better.

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  drip said:
Yo, anyone know where to get hilariously fake Ed Hardy/Christian Audwhatever shirts downtown for cheap? I'm going to a Jersey Shore theme party this weekend. (Ron Ron Juice) The more foil stamped dragons coiled around roses the better.

I don't know how cheap they are but I know Over The Rainbow has some Ed Hardy looking stuff at the front of their store by the cash. Skull designs made out of sequins and shit.

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