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  NESK said:
yoga son. i was shitting on it for years but its actually awesome.

Squash is exploding for a reason - its fun as hell, quick, and a ridiculous workout that isn't as daunting as lifting or as boring as running. Failing that, situps, pushups, and jumping jacks. Do a bunch of each every morning and it gets your metabolism up for the day, and does the obvious stuff that situps and pushups do.

  AcrobaticTenement said:
So... I'm looking for a 2 Bedroom apartment in Toronto. Does anyone have any suggestions on what areas to look in that are still downtown but not too expensive? I don't really care if it's a shitty rundown place. Just not looking to spend a lot.

My friend is moving out of his place on Lisgard (sp?)

It's queen west, not sure about price but he's poor so it can't be two much. Lemme know and I can let you know.

  sean_ said:
haha pesci loves wrongbar

they're playing (i think with fucked up) at some dinky spot in st catharines or something like that. i kind of wanna road trip it for that one, kinda.

I would really, really love to go to this. Lemme know.

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  Hocus Pocus said:
I guess because I find going to the gym and working out a little daunting, especially when I am already feeling lethargic. I feel like if I got into something routine and fun, like a sport or something, I'd be better off.

just get a couple friends together and play some pickup ball at school, it's always fun and it's a great combo workout. that's typically the only way i get exercise and i'm only playing a couple times a month atm, i'd like to get it to a few times a week. now that winter's here i wanna get into some sort of beer league for hockey but i don't even know where to start for that and i'd prefer to play with some cats who are my age. other than that you might as well start running, as long as you've got a good playlist your exercise will be enjoyable.

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I really like bloor west of ossington. No idea about rent or whatnot, but there's some fun to be had. Setup house there and stop by my stripclub, also there used to be fairly regular parties at some guys warehouse loft deal west of lansdowne. As for working out, torrent that tony hortons 10 minute trainer shit, haha.

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The near-east, east of Yonge but west of the Don, is where I live, and it's not bad. Not exactly a ton going on and you have to bolt down anything you don't want stolen but it's pretty cheap. Go any farther east and you hit Leslieville and Riverdale and end up paying soccer mom money.

  Hocus Pocus said:
I guess because I find going to the gym and working out a little daunting, especially when I am already feeling lethargic. I feel like if I got into something routine and fun, like a sport or something, I'd be better off.

Try picking up one of the Hart House schedules and take a look at the clases. They're all pretty inexpensive.

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Workout wise throughout the winter Hart House has pick up ball every weekday from 1-3 which is a great workout and a lot of fun. Varsity Arena also has pick up hockey every day. I also find swimming pretty relaxing - I work at the pool at Hart House and there's workout classes in the water every day. If there's enough people on here down to play a little shinny we shout hit either the Scaddingcourt or Rosedale rinks sometime.

Living wise, I lived on Henry St. last year in the annex west of Spadina for pretty cheap. All along Beverly/Baldwin/Mccaul/Darcy there are lots of nice places for relatively cheap... you do need to be careful about the rats and shit though. A bunch of freinds also live on McGill St. which is just east of Yonge and south of College. Their place is unreal and I don't think their rent is too bad. something to look into.

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