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  catchforusthefoxes said:
Hey man,

I'm not trying to be your dad or anything but... you really shouldn't have done that. You have one regrettable tattoo (which I think is a 'the used' heart?) on your arm, and now you get 2 more on either one of your hands. I really hope you considered what you're going to do for a living before you got those done.

I don't have to tell you that laser removal doesn't feel good.

dude I'm 25 and been making a living in the creative industry for 7yrs and basically work for myself these days- i don't think it will be an issue.

i got the heart with my ex girlfriend before the used released similar artwork. covering/altering it because we broke up....

... So the best Dad advice would be don't get matching tattoos with you girlfriend!! Now there is a life lesson.

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  homme.homme said:
... So the best Dad advice would be don't get matching tattoos with you girlfriend!! Now there is a life lesson.

seriously. never ever get anybody's name tattoo'd on you either. only exceptions to this rule are your mother or grandmothers name. anything else you will end up regretting sometime later in your life.

watched alix lambert's mark of cain the other day, there was one woman who said that theres a folktale that if you tattoo someone's name on you, you'll lose them... and she did. twice.

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passing judgments like whoa

and what does it matter what other people have tatooed on themselves? WHo are you to impose your views of tattoos on others?

i dont have any tattoos but my first one is gonna be on my throat. Coverage is for suckers that think they need "street cred" before they can ink certain parts of their body.

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Really? Almost half the U.S. population between 18-40 has tattoos. I don't really think ink is a job stopper these days. Throat/neck tattoos at a bank or Wal-Mart, maybe. If you are the type of dude to get ink there, however, you've probably never entertained the idea of working for a hedge fund.

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Yea, one of our lead auditors regularly wears short sleeves and has his arms fully inked up. Once you hit a certain point I really don't think anyone gives a shit if you have tattoos or not. Might be an issue if you're 16, have a stick and poke of a hatchetman on your throat and are trying to get a job at a Kwik Chek, but past that most companies even have policies in place to protect people with ink, I know my job explicitly states that you cannot be discriminated against for having tattoos (might be a NM thing though, I work with about 6 people with really poorly done hand tattoos and the like).

My piece I got at Smith St's pretty much fully healed, I'll try and get pics up later, wasn't too photogenic when it was peeling. Totally great experience- awesome people, awesome shop, will be booking again sometime around December. Thanks for the recommendation.

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  LetsGetSerious said:
You're doing so well in thee creative industry that you got some faggy heart tattooed on your wrist to match your girlfriend?

Since you are such a nice guy i will respond to this. I am 25 now. I was a teenager when i got the tat. If you didn't do any dumb shit when you were young I commend you.

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  Peter North said:
i have had work done with rubendall. i was recommend to look to shigji.

deff want a piece done tebori style. how do you like shigji? is language a barrier?

shinji is great to work with. no real language barrier to speak of. you can tell he puts a lot of thought into his tattoos and the process - been working with him for close to 3 years now and he couldn't come more highly recommended

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  cash said:
Really? Almost half the U.S. population between 18-40 has tattoos. I don't really think ink is a job stopper these days. Throat/neck tattoos at a bank or Wal-Mart, maybe. If you are the type of dude to get ink there, however, you've probably never entertained the idea of working for a hedge fund.

tattoos arnt really job stoppers these days unless youre applying to very conservative sectors/jobs.

that being said, im sure people can come up with many anecdotal examples of exceptions, but the general "rule" is that any ink on the hands/neck/face are considered "job stoppers". for now anyway, maybe in a couple years people would be more accepting but until then...

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  cash said:
Really? Almost half the U.S. population between 18-40 has tattoos. I don't really think ink is a job stopper these days. Throat/neck tattoos at a bank or Wal-Mart, maybe. If you are the type of dude to get ink there, however, you've probably never entertained the idea of working for a hedge fund.

the best thing about the conversation about homme homme getting tattoos on his hands is that he not even in north america in fact if you look he has his location as sydney.

also as a note LetsGetSerious has had his account locked for repeated using slang for sexual preference as terms of abuse, i suggest that if you can't think of better words then buy a thesaurus.

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xchen: just curious - how did Dave Ramsey help you out, like did reading his books give you a better perspective on personal financial management or get you out of the red? I'm asking in all seriousness because I'm clueless finance-wise, is there a particular book you'd recommend?

+ Foot tattoo-wise, the choice of cock and pig and debt free is great. Was thinking about getting the cock/pig, just not sure from who yet.

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When a ship would sink at sea, pigs and chickens would often wash ashore alive because they would be enclosed in buoyant cages. Old sailor superstition against drowning.

xchen could also just like chicken and bacon, wishing they would collide into one delicious animal right at his feet.

In the good old days, when men were men and meat was red - not only could most sailors not swim, but the lack of that ability was often a point of pride.

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Guest wockawockawocka

so.....anyone want to give me thoughts on these guys that I've narrowed it down to -

Bert Krak


Steve Boltz


Bailey Hunter Robinson

the other guys from ss tatto perhaps but I think i have it down to those three - Bert Krak possibly my fav. I have read that a couple people have been there so any input would be cool.

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So I think I finally conceptualized my ideal tattoo, it's pretty boring but I think it suits me (lol), just not too sure of how plausible or difficult it would be.

I want to get three equally sized (~1.5 in), equally spaced (1-2cm) solid black bands around my right bicep, and then on the inner bicep (area facing my chest) I would get script, probably a cursive font with the text being fairly small, and centered within the band.

I really like this idea because overall I think the bands will look cool, clean, simple and having the text be small and hidden on the inside most people will never see it, and it can stay a bit more personal. Also if I ever get sick of the text I could just have the band filled in.

I'm just wondering how difficult the inner text would be, in my mind It seems like that would take skill but I don't know shit about tattooing so yeah. All input appreciated by the way.

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I don't mean super small, just not taking up the whole width of the band I guess. Also do you have any suggestions for other fonts or styles of text that I could look at? I know from your sites that you're into graphic design and typefaces and shit so I'd appreciate some more specific input.

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Yeah I'm mostly into sans serifs, but I've not seen many good sans tattoo. For instance, Helvetica tats always just looks retarded as far as I've seen. Serif tats can look good imo. I really like text tattoos, but I think choosing a font is pretty hard. /tattooing isn't graphic design. I don't know that my opinion means much haha.

and I don't think script is bad, obviously that's the default for tattoos because it works well. I just think it'd look strange surrounded by bars is all.

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  wockawockawocka said:
so.....anyone want to give me thoughts on these guys that I've narrowed it down to -

Bert Krak


Steve Boltz


Bailey Hunter Robinson

the other guys from ss tatto perhaps but I think i have it down to those three - Bert Krak possibly my fav. I have read that a couple people have been there so any input would be cool.

depends what kind of tat you want. steve is really the best at old school style stuff. he's the owner of the shop

not sure who bailey is... he works at smith st?

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  wockawockawocka said:
so.....anyone want to give me thoughts on these guys that I've narrowed it down to -

Bert Krak


Steve Boltz


Bailey Hunter Robinson

the other guys from ss tatto perhaps but I think i have it down to those three - Bert Krak possibly my fav. I have read that a couple people have been there so any input would be cool.

all three! I really wanna get tattoos from all these guys. It really depends on what you want, etc. Bert and Steve do a kind of updated traditional american stuff really well with some nice color variations. Bailey's style is less cartoonish than the other guys I would say. More based on late 1800's tattooing style but with color. These guys are pretty much my fav tattoo artists at the moment and I'm hoping I get a chance to get something by them sometime in my life.

Bailey is at SAVED if I'm not mistaken.

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Guest wockawockawocka

yeah bailey works at saved but he's on the level as the ss guys. i think for me im gonna have to go with bert krak as right now he edges them out slightly because of his lettering. I have a full sleeve now - traditional and im going to get a hand tatttoo - other side of the palm - is there a word for that besides top o' the hand?

i like berts hands- his animal faces and whatnot. its either that or just go full blast and get thomas hooper to do one because that mutha is bad ass.

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Guest wockawockawocka

yeah, not traditional but i think his stuff is great and it would go nice with my current sleeve. but then again - maybe the krak would be be better - if i just went all out traditional.

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  Zubin said:

I was also recommended to check out blake brand at humble beginnings. My friends have work by him and he looks pretty good

Kinda late, but I can't recommend this guy's work enough. Don't have anything myself, but several of my friends from sj have sleeves/large pieces by him, and they're fucking great. I'm going to him if I ever have enough money for a big piece (unlikely!).

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