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The Weirdest/Scariest Experience Thread


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Inspired by the GROSSEST FOOD thread, I decided to make something a bit more vague, since, well, I just like hearing about weird and gross stuff. So welcome here are stories of mystery, intrigue, paranormal experiences (aliens/ghosts/voodoo zombies et al.), and other weird and disgusting stuff.

My contribution:

My best friend of elementary school had just moved from my neighborhood, which contains pre-war houses that are all pretty much the same (but also pretty creepy, given that they're so old and creaky), to a more "suburban" (though still located in Brooklyn) area. The houses were 2 stories each, though each story was large, and stood seperately though close to each other. They had all been built within the last 50 years and seemed pretty normal. However, this house had one weird feature I had never seen before. In the "basement" area (subterannean floor, but still carpeted and stuff so it looked very much unlike a basement or cellar) there was a small door, built under the staircase. Upon opening this door you were immedietly faced with a small tunnel built out of brownish rock, that looked like it had been excavated rather than built. The tunnel progressed for about 7 feet (in very low light), until it made a right turn and went on for about another 4'. This tunnel opened up into a rather vast chamber made out of the same roughly-hewn brown rock, upon which sat shelf upon shelf of mason jars. Inside the jars were weird brown and black semi-solids which stuck to the sides like tar. We used to dare each other to go in, and it didn't seem too weird back then, but it creeps the hell out of me to this day. The area was sealed off during renovation and I still have no fucking clue what the "room" was for, who built it, or what it contained :( .

Your turn!

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i don't really have any scary/weird experiences. the closest to a weird experience is once when the 2nd floor of my house wasn't occupied, my bro & i went up to the kitchen at like 2am, and there was a cabinet door open, but i was 100% sure no one opened it. kinda creepy but not really.

ok, here's another one, but it didn't happen to me. my bro was alone at home all by himself, and he likes to listen to music real loud on the system in our living room. he had an armor for sleep cd on, and there's one song on the track called "basement" or something. for some reason he went to the basement (which was also empty) and once he was down there, the cd froze and kept repeating the same 3 seconds of the song, which were ".. and now i'm in your basement..." i think i would shit my pants (and of course, post about it on sf).

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that s fucked lilo.

My story:

My gf and I were diving this wall in B.C. and we weren t checking our depth gauges regularly and we were down to ~120ft, and there were all these dog fish (read small, shark looking fish) around us. I was also a bit narced (read you get really paranoid, and start hyperventilating) from the depth.

We had also already been on one 100ft+ dive earlier that day, so we were freaking out that we were gonna get the bends. Neither of us did though.

That was the first time in my life, I actually thought I might die.

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The weirdest, scariest shit that has ever happened to me was when I was at Relay for Life (American Cancer Society event), and we had a little tent up for awareness of cancer, and one of the volunteers on the team brought her turtle so a bunch of random kids came to our tent to see it. There was little boy who was kind of pale and I would estimate he was about 3-4, didn't really talk much. So I was sitting there eating my sandwich when he crawls up to me, and tells me to come over and when I do, he said let me tell a secret and I go over, and he whispers "I....hate....you" and I said "What?"......."I....hate....you" and then he ran away.

In the morning at 5 once, my mom was drinking cofee and went outside to check the plants, and she heard something moving and when she went to the fence area which divides our house and our neighbors (it's one long fence that goes down the a whole neighborhood), my mom saw a little black boy (about 7-10) without his shirt on running through the fence and my mom asked the boy "What are you doing?" and he replied "Running away from them..." and just ran ontop of the fence down the houses.

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about 4 years ago, me and my boy were painting a frieght in a desolate yard...a few cars down and towards the woods, we see like a moving light (like somebody walking with a candle) and it moved towards the woods and went out..we walked over and were looking for a hobo or a bull or someshit but heard or saw nothing..weird.

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ths isnt really my story but here at UW, the frat house that the Phi Kaps live in have had alot of odd things...apparently before Phi Kaps moved in, someone killed themself in one of the rooms which is now seeled off but you can feel air coming out of the room as well as a thin line of light that comes out sometime...im sure its empty but it makes me wonder :/

also, in the basement, theres a sealed off tunnel which nobody knows where it leads to...

Crillz, it actually also sounds like a cellar of some sort...i've seen an underground wine cellar that seems similar to what you were descrbing. it was a small tunnel like thing that led to a small room full of shelves of wine, and i dont know...maybe the wine smoehow turned into black tar-like things?

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ok, so this girl i know used to be this super trashy screamo scene girl who loved attention so much that she took a bunch of noodz, "got wasted", and sent me the password and web address to the photobucket she had uploaded them to. now, me being the crafty man i am, saved all of them to my zip drive before i closed the window and before she could change the password. the girl mind you, has the body of a seven year old, i saved the pictures thinking i may be able to use them to my advantage (as i didnt much care for her), not for pleasure.

so that was all last year, i had since forgotten about the pictures on my zip drive.

then today i came into a teachers room at school to print out a report that i owed him. "dont bother wasting paper printing out a hard copy" he said to me, "just bring that over here and we'll save it to my computer" so i toss it to him and walk over to the bulletin board for five seconds, and when i get back, what is the 60+ year old man staring at?


holy shit, "is this a fellow student?" he asks me (which she was, so i panicked and first thing that came to mind was..) "nah, just some girl from myspace" i says to him, "and you know this girl?" "personally? no way mr cazort! the kids these days are sick, this stuffs all over the place" "my my my" he says "well thank you for that friday morning surprise!"


thank god hes just that perfect mix of creepy and cool or else my ass mightve been grass.

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not quite the weirdest experience ever, but I drove over to a gas station close to my house during a snow storm, saw that it was closed, and drove to a convenience store next door. there was a heavy-set pacific-islander looking dude shoveling the entire parking lot by himself and I get into a conversation with him (he had broken english) while smoking a cigarette. I asked why the gas station closed early, if he had a plow coming, etc etc

then out of nowhere he tells me i have a nice body and asked if I was gay... then he invited me to come into the store, continue smoking my cigarette, and that I could have anything I wanted

needless to say, I declined and got back in my car

scary moment: I was really young and was walking around these cliffs in maine, I think, called the giant's steps or stairway or some shit. I lost my balance at one point and fell backwards, fully expecting to crack my skull. by some stroke of luck, my arms shot out and I somehow caught myself

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I was about 12 years old, me and my friend were at his place ready to watch a movie but had nothing to eat. we decided to walk to the nearest gas station (with a store) to grab some chips, it was late so the grocery store was closed. the place was nearby but the fastest way was through a couple of dark allies. we walked there, got our stuff and left. on the way back, we see a bunch of guys walking our way. probably 3 guys, which I recognized as some older nazi kids I had possibly seen before. as we meet them, on of the guys starts walking towards me and shoves his foot right on my cheek. I got my hand in between so I was barely shook. it felt like time froze as I was deciding what to do, the guy was standing right in front of me. I kneeled down a bit and started yelling something like "my eye! I cant fucking see!" which probably scared them a bit and they continued their way. all I got was a reddish cheek.

I still remember that moment clearly as hell, probably never been that scared in my life as standing there. also makes me wonder what kind of scumbag thinks its ok to kick a 12 year old child in the head. many times later on I've wished that I knew the guys names or something.

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One night my friend and I went slumming at this shitty bar in the area between the city and the burbs.

On our way out these guys mouthed at us, so we went over and basically told them to get fucked. So dude #1 pulls a knife and puts it to my friend.

Turns out they're gang kids, and while we got out ok we had to do some major apologizing, and I'd rather not go through that again.

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this isnt the scariest cause the guy was kinda small but it is kinda weird, but once i was in mexico in a car with my mom and my aunt. then some guy goes up to the window and begs for money and they say that they dont have any. the guy then says well you are obviously lying, so next time i think ill just rob you and he walks away.

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this isnt the scariest cause the guy was kinda small but it is kinda weird, but once i was in mexico in a car with my mom and my aunt. then some guy goes up to the window and begs for money and they say that they dont have any. the guy then says well you are obviously lying, so next time i think ill just rob you and he walks away.

Oh yeah, when I was in cuba these two dudes tried to jack me.

Like, tried to pull me into an alley. That was unpleasant.

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when i was in 6th grade i got a brand new bike for christmas and the thing to get back in the day in mexico was haro bikes so i got one.

second day with the bike and im just kind of riding and some cholo starts chasing me and i start pedaling as fast as i could, but then he caught up and pulled out a knife and kicked me off my bike and took it. i was scared, and very very sad.

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One time this kid asked me and my friend for a cigarette and we told him "no" because we genuinely didn't have any, and then of course my friend (if you meet him, it'll make pefect sense), has to say "We don't smoke cigarettes, we smoke bitches like you." So as we're walking down the block I hear fast footsteps and turn around just to get kicked in the fucking head by the kid, meaning he had to position his leg more than 5 and a half feet into the air and land one straight on my cheek. So after my friends chased him down and there was almost a fight it turns out we all had mutual friends, and since I wasn't hurting too bad, things were alright. But the scary part is that not only is this kid like a 3rd degree black belt in something-or-other, he was also wearing boots with spurs on them at the time of the head-kicking, so, yeah, I could've been dead. But it was cool, he gave me plenty of alcohol that night to make up for it.

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my friend bought a green laser the really strong one that can shine into the sky and you can see the beam from two miles away, you can see the beam clearly like star wars shit, well we were chill at a school, and behind the school about 2000 feet is a park, so we see a bunch of wangsters blazing, so we waited till they got faded, so i pull out my friends laser pointer and start shining it at them, it was fun, cuz they were running around and shit, well they soon started walking toward us and i was still shinning it straight in there faces, but they kept coming at us, they were yelling at us and shit, i said "stay back mothafuckas or im gonna burn your eyes out." but they kept coming so about a 100 feet away from us i bone, i was on my cruiser and my friend was on his skateboard, so we bone away laughing like assholes. so we go on this adjacent street, bought 1 minute later this car pulls up to the curb, but a tree was between me and the car, so they only saw my friend who was behind me like 15 ft since he was on his skateboard, so i was scared as fuk, i could see 5 dudes walk out, they were saying "shining a light on us mothafuka?" "come here mothafukca i wanna show you my LIGHT" so i turn around to my friened and said "OH SHIT" but i saw my friend take out his laser and start shining it againd it reflected off the street post and hit him in the eye and blinded him for a bit and at that moment they started running towards him but they past me since i was behind the huge tree. so they start bombing on him but he has his board and is using it to wack them so i took some ornamental rocks and started to chuck it them and they turned around to me that was wen i boned the fuk out of there, told my friend to folow me towards the cul de sac cuz it has a small opening for walkers and bam we were out to freedom, but i was seriously scared wen those guys cornered us. i came home weezing and sweating and shit, learned my lesson

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Crillz that sounds like a fedi-fed photo processing room . Those jars were prolly that black liquid used for processing the film , it gets thicker over time and seperates .

Nah this was like neanderthal status, there was no equipment to speak of. And the stuff in the jars was way closer looking to congealed blood than anything else. Which, given the location and state of the room/cavern, is what it most likely was.

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I woke up this past november after having this terrible dream about my best friend/flat mate's dad. I had to leave that morning to get on an airplane to fly back to see my folks for thanksgiving, so I just wrote him a note about it and said good luck with your dad. 36 hours later his dad was dead. We've never talked about my note or anything.

I wrote about it in superconfessions when it happened. It was fucking horrible.

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