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what are you eating today?


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There is nothing about the above image that isn't the single greatest thing I have ever seen. Had you made the banchan yourself rather than buying it premade you would have attained korean grandma nirvana...

Did you buy pre-marinaded meat (a la H-mart, the best place ever) or did you make your own?

it was 10pm we were hungry as fuck. everything is from hmart (except the salad, we made that)

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Pickled onions: One small bag of red onions, cut into thick rings and the rings separated. I used 6 Serrano peppers, thinly sliced. The marinade is one whole bottle of white wine vinegar heated up to just boiling and then you dissolve some sugar (basically to taste) into the vinegar. Put the onions and chilies into a bowl and fill a bigger bowl with ice water. Put the smaller bowl inside the larger bowl and pour the hot vinegar slowly over everything. The ice bath will reduce the temp on the vinegar pretty quickly, so essentially the onions get flash blanched. Add some olive oil and salt and let them sit in the fridge for at least a day so they can mellow a bit.

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one thing i love about gainesville is that im always finding dope little independently owned restaurants. this place is called the sandwich inn and its a little drive thru with tons of cheap goodness.


i went with the double cheese burger and some onion rings (not pictured)


also just found this columbian place

chimichanga .. should of got a picture of the insides. consisted of chicken, black bean, onions, peppers, and cheese. served with rice and tostones.


also dumped this dank salsa all over it


made these tacos the other night.. chicken was rubbed with an achiote blend and cooked on the grill and then shredded. the salsa consisted of fire roasted tomatoes, onions, serranos, bell peppers, and cilantro.


some overpriced turkey and swiss deal from arbys


ate three of these the other night.. my favorite mexican spot


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