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if you thought minya was bad....


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I was wondering what happened to your post Red. I am disappointed that that happened. I have to say that Stylezeitgeist is my favorite site to post on because the brands that are featured there interest me the most, the discussions are usually full of interesting commentary, and many of the posters there (many of them who post here also) have an incredible amount of knowledge. However, this banning business has soured me to the site a little. If someone disagrees/doesn't like your look they can say so and you should be able respond. Banning just makes that impossible and I do not think you did anything out of line.

One further problem with what happened is that there is already, for some, a high intimidation factor in posting on SZ and stuff like this will only increase that.

Also, SZ is still finding its legs, along with Faust (at least that is how I see it). It is deciding how niche it wants to be and maybe that transition is making Faust extra tough/ornery. I hope the site finds its balance soon.

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I've only heard the three songs he released so far, but yeah, it's not good. I'd be surprised if you disagree, we seem to have fairly similiar taste, but you never know. The new political vibe really just doesn't work for him, or his new "Nine Inch Nails Light" sound for that matter, either.

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I have found most self-appointed Style Gurus on the message boards are anything but.

They like to dictate here and there on style but then are particularly nasty when it comes to divergent opinions since it undermines their petty authority.

I remember the member, Faust, when he was something of demi-god at The Fashion Spot.

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yeah some of the guys on the steez are complete fucking pricks. the cool guys on the steez are on here now. i'm usually pretty cool with everyone but man, some guys on there are out of their fucking minds.

I agree to some extent. I've actually started drawing away from SZ recently because while it was interesting for a while, the general mood of the forum has grown too focused and narcissitic and the diversity of topics tends to get confined or constrained all to often. Also, although I won't mention any names, the majority of the posters don't dress very well at all IMO. I tend to look at people coordinates for what they are, without looking at the list of labels, and if it looks like shit, it looks like shit. The problem I think is due to diversity. The forum tends to get labeled so elistest that individuals who own a different perspective or style tend to get too intimidated to post or voice their view. I like superfuture because its a free-for-all and the cream-of-the-crop tends to raise to the top amongst all the noise. Also, while I tend to purchase a lot of high-end niche Japanese labels nowadasy, my interests and roots have always been in street-fashion. I learned Japanese and wanted to work in Japan because I fell in love with Ura-kei pre-2000 street-fashion, so to me, street-fashion/work-wear/jeans/casual clothing has just as much importance and revelence in fashion trends as high-fashion and freedom of expression in general. Frankly, I'm truly disappointed that Faust banned Red, not so much because of verbal tiff between the two but because the ban will intimidate new people to post and voice diverse styles and topics.

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Last offtopic comment, but I think 9/10ths of the reason that NIN isn't as good as they used to be live is because he doesn't dropkick his keyboard enough anymore.


Also, the whole Year Zero viral marketing campaign / the fact that it's a concept album is so dumb it hurts.
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it took me until the chorus to realize what fucking song that was..

this was the hey day of NIN imo


1000 homo dj's, now that was something else.

^^^ jesus christ, i just realized that was from lollapolooza 91. the first few lollapolozas make me want to smack the kids thinking cochella's a big fucking deal.

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Maybe if Faust dropkicked his wardrobe more often, he'd lighten up.

EDIT: The Fragile was the last good album Trent committed to tape.

Many people thought it was bloated and full of filler, I thought that it

was a cohesive work of genius. Unfortunately, by the end of disc two,

it was fully evident that Trent was about to embark on a long journey

of sucking ass.

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it took me until the chorus to realize what fucking song that was..

this was the hey day of NIN imo

the video was here

that being said, my college roommate's uncle got us free tickets for the Fragile tour, I'd grown out of NIN a long time ago, but seriously one of the best shows i've ever seen. The light show was done by the guy that does Pink Floyd shows. That also being said, the singles (only, the other one....)off the last album were decent, not terrible at all. never heard the entire album. regardless of if you hate them or not, some almost 20 years later the major labels still let him do whatever the fuck he wants...

1000 homo dj's, now that was something else.

^^^ jesus christ, i just realized that was from lollapolooza 91. the first few lollapolozas make me want to smack the kids thinking cochella's a big fucking deal.

Agreed on so many levels.

Coachella is good times since I'm too lazy to go see 9/10ths of the band-of-the-minutes that go to those things so I can see a couple of those, but it's a decent way to see the more decent ones that don't get out to the west coast (Animal Collective, Juan Maclean, Daft Punk, etc... last year). I love that lollapalooza NIN recording though.

Here's the version with the "real" audio of the "trent flips out on his keyboard" video. The rest of the Audio sucks, but you can hear what he's actually doing when he's smashing the keyboard.


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am i the only person in the world who thinks that trent reznor is a whiny over privileged cry baby...

so he has a couple of good songs...i remember being played pretty hate machine by someone calling it industrial...seriously it was not even heavy...or groundbreaking...

i guess the same as avant garde fashion when worn as a uniform...all money no style...

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am i the only person in the world who thinks that trent reznor is a whiny over privileged cry baby...

so he has a couple of good songs...i remember being played pretty hate machine by someone calling it industrial...seriously it was not even heavy...or groundbreaking...

i guess the same as avant garde fashion when worn as a uniform...all money no style...

I agree.

I have always hated NIN (everything other than Downward Spiral). I love industrial/metal/what have you, but fuck do I hate Trent Reznor. Their last album was the biggest load of shit ever. The singles were appallingly bad.

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