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startmeup tell all


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superconfessional wasnt enough for this. this is for all you people who have beef with me. its a short description of my past and all the bullshit i have said and done.

first off, i was at one point sevenjeansareoverrated, and before that, i was drugsarebadmkay. there. i said it. hate me, i dont care. that was back before i even knew what this forum was. i was a troll and i apologize. so people will not give me shit about how young i am anymore i offer the truth about that too. here is a short profile.

name: Ben Lerner

age: 15

weight: 120

height: 6'0

when i said i was 18 that was to avoid all of the superhate for being a spoiled kid. i am what i am. i am not a soho nyu going ramen eating intellectual who scripms his savings for a pair of denim, i am the offspring of nouveau riche businessparents who buy me jeans because they are nice. so yes, you can hate me for being a spoiled kid.

lastly i want to give a big fuck you to anyone whose ever had pointless shit against me, because you were once this young yourself and if you were in my position you would have taken advantage of your resources in a similar matter with no regrets. hell, ill even start a "free pair of denim lottery" for real. and ill buy someone a pair of jeans if they get closest to my number 1 to 1000. at least im generous. heres a link to my facebook so you can tell i am actually in highschool to avoid "you can talk when you hit puberty" bullshit.



- startmeup

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dude don't have so much self hatred. You know how many spoiled rich kids are on this board? Some aren't even kids, they are 25 year olds with a full time job, still living at home, thus having that extra $800 rent money per month to spend on clothes.

In fact, you could argue that most of Sufu falls under the spoiled grup category, or just poor and getting in massive CC debt. I don't know any real rich people who obsess like Sufu does over their clothes. They just walk into a boutique at 11am and walk out with $5000 worth of clothes by lunchtime, they don't think about it.

PS my number is 501. I would like some Oni Blue in size 30 please.

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alright, i think it's pretty fair to say that i read almost all threads on this forum and i don't really remember anyone giving you shit or anything so this is kind of surprising to me.

also some word of advice, when you are drunk alone, it's always better not to call ex-gf, send e-mails to all the ppl on your contact list or make pointless apology threads. well, you get what i mean...

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I may have said shit before, I don't remember. I have a lot of posts on this board, things get hazy.

If I did, I believe was alright in saying it, because you were trying to pretend to be something you're not. Now that you've "come out" I couldn't care any less than you have a lot of money to throw around (wrong way to put it, it's not like being wealthy is a bad thing(. Sure, I'd like to be able to toss around that kind of money, but as long as people come clean with themselves I got no problem.

I mean, it's not like Superfuture is conducive to living on a budget, even though some of us do. It's all about priorities.

Fuck I'm tired, I don't know what I'm talking about.

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dont do the raffle. i feel bad that youre doing it to fit in to an internet message board. just get a new username and find a new routine. and i remeber people hating on you. but that was LONG ago. it was actualy pretty funny now that i think about it........

ps. number is 764

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after reading your post, heres my short life advice. I can see why you might be annoyed if you're treated differently or looked down upon because of your age, but in all honesty thats life, it probably happens to all people at some point unless your some child genius. If you have nice thing and nice clothes, you will probably face some jealousy or frowning at times, but thats just how it is and you need to just ignore it and live with it. what goes for being "spoiled", theres nothing wrong with having money or having parents pay for something. what makes the difference is your attitude, if youre humble no one gives a crap who paid for your stuff. again I'm not familiar with your situation and don't know why you were flamed but this is just in general.

my parents were somewhat wealthy so I had nice things as a kid, sometimes I faced jealousy but it also helped me understand how people react to different things. I would sometimes belittle things like how much something cost. now that I'm living fully with my own money I'm ofcourse happy but I'm also thankful for what I had when I was younger. at the end of the day what matters is how you feel about yourself and how you want others to feel about you. don't feel bad for being of well but also be humble, thats my only advice.

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when i was a kid my dad had my brother and i tested to see if we were geniuses or some shit.

i did not like that in hindsight, but i guess it paid off in the end.

also, he gave me a cookie when i was done. it was the best cookie i'd ever eaten. to this day i wish i could find out where he got it and then get fat off of them. edit: it was oatmeal raisin.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

i don't think you're a bad kid. in fact, i know many young "dudes" like you. they hang out in the burger shop i work in. you know...the one down the street. As i flip patty after patty, i see them prancing about like young lion cubs or peacock...cubs. Or some kind of lion-headed peacock. And oh yes, they are wearing tight jeans.

The kids are alright. Huzzah.

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if i had access to sufu as a 15 year old, I probably would have purchased better denim, watched better movies, read more (meaningful) books, and if i had bit more money, i would've saved up to buy a nice camera at a much younger age. Instead I wasted my hard earned minimum wage dough on Diesel jeans, A/X shirts, and bunch of crap I don't remember.

and living with parents is the shit, enjoy it as long as you can - home cooked meals, laundry taken care of....why did you have to kick me out pops? why?

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