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Missed Connections - SuFu edition, no homo


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Saw a girl with the same exact haircut/pair of sunglasses/general body shape of thedaniway on the red line a couple days ago, it was really creepy because it looked just like her. When she looked at me straight she didn't really look like her (mouth was kinda weird) but from the side it was like a twin or some shit.

edit- might as well add this: any of you fuckers that go to depaul/columbia that take the train, I see you. I'm the guy with the sagged flatheads and premed out most of the time.

i might of saw you getting on the sedwick stop on the brown line a couple of months ago. you were wearing somewhat fresh flatheads and i was wearing pbj's.

im sure some of the sufu crowd was at the danger show at the abbey. i was wearing the pbj's and white vans prison issue's.

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I cringed and avoided eye contact because I was slumming it for realz.

Crocs and juicy sweatsuit?

i'm getting a little randy just thinking about it

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I cringed and avoided eye contact because I was slumming it for realz.

Crocs and juicy sweatsuit?

i'm getting a little randy just thinking about it

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Crocs and juicy sweatsuit?

i'm getting a little randy just thinking about it

No! I was wearing just an awkward assortment of things. It was freezing out and I was on my last day of clothes before laundry which means jeans and a tshirt and a hoodie.

Also I was wearing Payless Sneakers.....no-slip 'inside shoe approved' variety. :o

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