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Top 3 Fears


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good thread.

1) Rejection

2) Uncertainty

3) Death of those close to me.

wow a lot's changed in the past year...the only one of these i'd still keep around is the 3rd one.

2 new ones i'd add:

1) Complacency

2) Crowded places

i can see why one would fear insanity, but i've long come to terms with embracing it...life is more interesting that way. Actually one of my main fears now is normalcy.

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1. Going to jail, I've watched like every Lockup episode, fuck that shit.

2. Death, since there is no afterlife, it's just darkness, nothing, you cease to exist. Just like how you can't remember anything before you were born, because there was nothing.

3. Failure


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1.growing and dying alone, having no one to rely on if something were to happen to me within both[losing or being betrayed by loved one]

2.dying fast and/or painfully.id much rather die slow to look upon things one last time

3.not amounting to something "sucessful".being broke living in a shithole.failure

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1.growing and dying alone, having no one to rely on if something were to happen to me within both[losing or being betrayed by loved one]

2.dying fast and/or painfully.id much rather die slow to look upon things one last time

3.not amounting to something "sucessful".being broke living in a shithole.failure

#2 doesn't make sense. More often than not slow deaths are the most painful. I would like to be gone in a second...actually going in my sleep would be the best way to go about it. Just doze off one day and never happen to wake up again.

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wow man

you got it!


So you'd rather be tortured to death while having your genitals mutilated and skin slowly peeled off, for a week straight, instead of dying instantaneously? Nice.
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1. death (of myself or someone/thing close to me)

2. that the world will go apeshit and we'll have another war

3. that i'm going to eventually have a kid that turns out to be completely ignorant, indifferent and apathetic to the world around it. and i'm going to have to put up with it.

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