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the "ask an asian" thread.


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not noticable. i was in engineering at school, and the white guys who were there / "stayed" / made it through to the end were generally deserving of their degree. they can do whatever they want?

how did you expect one to feel? if you read the article bryanayrb posted, you'd realize that the whites and asians who feel this separation don't hang together anyway. it doesn't really affect the students in my opinion

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  Oxy. said:
To my Asian-Canadians:

How does it feel knowing white college students are leaving top-tier universities (and experiencing a decrease in applicants) for lower-tier because they feel the classroom settings are "too Asian"?


im guessing you're referring to that.. to be honest it's not just the schools any more. areas like markham and richmond hill in toronto and richmond in vancouver are dominantly chinese. i personally don't give a shit cause i'd rather have my doctor/lawyer/financial advisor know what the fuck is up than worry about what race they are.

i am however against the fact that most of the immigrants aren't even bothering to learn english. some of the asian/brown profs at york can't even speak the language let alone teach it so the white man's lecture hall is always packed. hell the wal-mart at markville mall has chinese written under the english signs..

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  bryanayrb said:
i am however against the fact that most of the immigrants aren't even bothering to learn english. some of the asian/brown profs at york can't even speak the language let alone teach it so the white man's lecture hall is always packed.

on that same stance. in all my years taking business courses involving any sort of number crunching at york ie. stats, finance, accounting, econ i've only ever had one prof who was clear in explaining course concepts (suprise - he's white). shit drives me insane

about the being "too Asian" comment: it's kind of ironic considering a lot of top managerial spots in NA companies will probably still be taken by white candidates (not hating here), or candidates with North American accents

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  _ironman said:
not noticable. i was in engineering at school, and the white guys who were there / "stayed" / made it through to the end were generally deserving of their degree. they can do whatever they want?

how did you expect one to feel? if you read the article bryanayrb posted, you'd realize that the whites and asians who feel this separation don't hang together anyway. it doesn't really affect the students in my opinion

I thought maybe upset? disappointed? possibly even angered at the thought that people would leave an institution just because of your ethnic background? Definitely offended. You put it into perspective for me, though. I thought maybe there would be a huge outrage about it on campus, but as you describe it, it's going unnoticed and vaguely talked about amongst the student body.

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  Oxy. said:
I thought maybe upset? disappointed? possibly even angered at the thought that people would leave an institution just because of your ethnic background? Definitely offended. You put it into perspective for me, though. I thought maybe there would be a huge outrage about it on campus, but as you describe it, it's going unnoticed and vaguely talked about amongst the student body.

why would i be upset or disappointed? or even angered? they're not leaving cause of my ethnic background; they're leaving because they can't handle balancing work and play.

if whitey says "fuck UofT/york/ubc/uw, it's full of asians".. what do i lose? is he someone that i seek a form of approval from? no, who gives a shit about that dude. people talked about the article on fb/campus alot when it was released but mostly in satire of the entire situation cause frankly anyone that takes it seriously isn't even worth talking to

if white mans can't handle an inflated class average in stats cause mainlanders are doing too well then they don't deserve to be there. there are plenty of white ppl that do very well in class and those are the ones that value their education as much as the asians that are under extreme pressure from their parents.

  wrong_move said:

about the being "too Asian" comment: it's kind of ironic considering a lot of top managerial spots in NA companies will probably still be taken by white candidates (not hating here), or candidates with North American accents

well, it's still early to tell as these graduates are just getting out of school.. it also has to do with the corporate ladder. we'll see over time.

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you have to understand these thoughts were preconceived prior to me realizing they're dropping out because they can't keep up intellectually. But even before then, my reasons for thinking so: upset and/or disappointed at modern society for still practicing separatism, angered was just thrown out there (I admit anger is a little too strong), and I'm sure I don't have to explain the offensiveness if it were indeed based off race and not how hard the coursework is.

And I completely agree with your take on the situation. I just haven't been able to talk to any Asian-Canadians, so I wanted to read what you all had to say.

It's done.

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wow interesting article. one thing i noticed is that a lot of asian students (ones at my school at least) start slacking once they get to college. i know some of the asian students here who fucking dominated in high school/SAT, but now here at college they are putting up B range grades. not sure how much it has to do with difficulty of course work/laziness, but it's definitely interesting to see. it seems like thats the case at other ivys as well, from what my friends tell me.

don't know much about canadian universities, but McGill was a cool place when i visited a couple of years ago.

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society will always do shit that baffles you no matter how modern it seems

and it's not how hard the coursework is, more so that they don't want to compete with some extra hard-working asians for top grades in the class or to even get into the schools

it in no way affects our education, and why would it? disappointed would be maybe cuz the white students would be taking away constant partying with them where they go

however, since you are asking us, we are the ones who are supposedly working hard too busy focusing on our education embarrased_smile.gif lol

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  Oxy. said:

you have to understand these thoughts were preconceived prior to me realizing they're dropping out because they can't keep up intellectually. But even before then, my reasons for thinking so: upset and/or disappointed at modern society for still practicing separatism, angered was just thrown out there (I admit anger is a little too strong), and I'm sure I don't have to explain the offensiveness if it were indeed based off race and not how hard the coursework is.

And I completely agree with your take on the situation. I just haven't been able to talk to any Asian-Canadians, so I wanted to read what you all had to say.

It's done.

separatism will always exist. even if it was based off race the Wong Wing Wais aren't gonna be upset that the John Smiths are going to another school.. very rarely do you see immigrants hanging out with domestic whites cause neither of them wanna try and communicate. mainlander just wants to get his degree and go back for a job while gwailo has no desire to learn mando (unless he's smart and is ready for china to take over)

sorry for continuing this i just have nothing else to do at work.

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  fallen angels said:
this been going on for years.

when i graduated high school 10 years ago, the student body at my hs was 50% asian. now it is 75% asian, mostly because the white students left because they couldnt hang. the WSJ called it the "white flight".

I think it's more than just they couldn't hang. By forcing their kids to go to Kumon / studying till the wee hours, etc, many asian parents are "leveling up" the playing field to a level that is just ridiculous. There just no point in competing with kids that are willing to go to ridiculous length to over-perform on standardized test. High school shouldn't be that serious and while grades are definitely very important, they are only one aspect of one's ability. Honestly, the obscene amount of work japanese high school students are pressured / forced to put borders on slavery (and i know if's the same if not worse for koreans / chinese). The wifey (japanese) and I are in total agreement that under absolutely no circumstances we will send our kids to a japanese HS.

just playing the devil advocate here.

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that kind of academically minded mentality is ingrained very deeply in many asian cultures. in my opinion, this kind of increased competition is an inevitable result of globalization, but at the same time it definitely highlights the problems with using things like grades and standardized testing to prove a students academic ability.

I went to a 40-50% asian high school and I can't tell you how many kids I know are pre med or engineers because their parents want them to follow that career path. most of them are basically studying machines, good test takers and hard workers but it saddens me because they have little intellectual interest or self-motivation (or social lives). asian parents fuck their kids up with their old guard attitudes carried over from whatever country they immigrated from.

but at the same time, what are you going to do? the way our society is set up doing well academically is a fairly good way to make it, and so asian parents who have seen or have known hardship in their lives are driven to push their kids towards success. cash moves everything around me, cream get the money, dolla dolla bills yall

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I have a friend who is korean but her adopted parents are white. Throughout her life they have made many attempts to prevent her from achieving academically like preventing her from learning the violin, trying to convince her not to take AP classes, not to study too much, or apply to Ivy League schools.

Was it her korean genetics trying to overcome her liberal white parenting?

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  DaBestSpoona said:
I have a friend who is korean but her adopted parents are white. Throughout her life they have made many attempts to prevent her from achieving academically like preventing her from learning the violin, trying to convince her not to take AP classes, not to study too much, or apply to Ivy League schools.

Was it her korean genetics trying to overcome her liberal white parenting?

i don't think race has anything to do with this

pretty sure it's just dumb parents

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  into the rain said:
wow interesting article. one thing i noticed is that a lot of asian students (ones at my school at least) start slacking once they get to college. i know some of the asian students here who fucking dominated in high school/SAT, but now here at college they are putting up B range grades. not sure how much it has to do with difficulty of course work/laziness, but it's definitely interesting to see. it seems like thats the case at other ivys as well, from what my friends tell me.

C's get degrees? If you build up a social network your GPA may not be so important when they hand you the diploma.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Riddle me this, Asia...

I was in Thailand for the past 2 weeks on honeymoon with the wifey, and EVERYWHERE we went, we saw Asian couples wearing matching outfits. Ex: girl wears white tank with black/white tiger stripe miniskirt and flip flops, guy wears white t, same pattern black/white tiger stripe shorts, and flip flops. I saw at least a dozen couples doing this, some staying at our hotel would mix up the outfits and match every day.

I need some kind of an explanation because that shit is wild.

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