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damn i just found out that my brother and my cousin got tickets to the strikeforce event on saturday, im kinda pissed im missing this it seems like it would be fun event

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Strikeforce was a pretty decent card last night.

Cyborg comes in who knows how heavy and fights the very tiny Smack Girl 125lbs champion (i think). Tosses her around like a ragdoll.

Scott Smith pulls out another ridiculous KO.

Diaz completely dominates Shamrock, who looked like he brought nothing to the ring.

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like ive said before gina is hot, watching her get kicked in the face is not hot.

radach vs smith was such an awesome fight. i love seeing back and forth fights, but then again who doesnt.

i was talking to my brother about it and i was telling him that the girls fight shouldnt have happened. he had never seen cyborg fight so i told him her coming in about 10 pounds over was just the kiss of death for akano.

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albeit the silva fight may have been "boring," but not all fights can be exciting. if a guy is scared of him and afraid to engage, then thats fine for him. he's defending his belt so the challenger needs to come in hungry to take it from him.

if you're defending your castle, are you gonna run out and fight the guys while they take siege? no, you're gonna wait till they come to you.

silva takes martial arts seriously and he fights for the win. if it happens to be entertaining/a show, thats just a bonus. if you're expecting a show all the time, watch professional wrestling.

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silva takes martial arts seriously and he fights for the win. if it happens to be entertaining/a show, thats just a bonus. if you're expecting a show all the time, watch professional wrestling.

They should have stuck to the scheduling of GSP. This isnt castle battles, this is ufc. Its a spectator sport and albeit there were spectators he didnt do what he was signed to do.

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silva takes martial arts seriously and he fights for the win.

to me it looks more like he's fighting not to lose, which is kinda the same, but if he was really fighting for the win i think he could have just crushed thales in round 1, instead he does the bare minimum

i think the ufc needs to just match him up with sluggers who will get in and bang, i would rather watch silva fight chris leben for all 6 or whatever fights are left on his contract, let leben keep juicin though so he atleast has a shot

k1 max final 16 is on tuesday, fucking hdnet 3 day delay, atleast sengoku 8 is live

kinda sucks chuck lost too, i hope he retires, he was never really as good as he was hyped up to be, but ill miss the guy

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I don't know if not as good he was hyped up to be is very accurate. He is a precision striker and its fun watching him zero in on the other guys chin. Watch his eyes pin point a target and his fist launch.

i think he was too hyped in the US. when he was in his prime and was called the best lhw, he woulda gotten wrecked over in japan by wanderlei, quinton(again, like in 03), shogun, hendo, etc.

he is fun to watch though and i would like to see him fight again, i just dont think he was fighting the best competition when people were saying he's number 1

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once gsp takes care of alves at 100, hopefully it'll set up gsp vs silva at some catch weight. obviously gsp would be at a disadvantage being the naturally smaller of the two but i dont really see anyone else posing a threat to silva in his weight class

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A. Silva walks around at like 225. He def needs to step up. LHW is the most stacked division by far. Sadly, there is not much competition for him in the MW division. Although I would like to see GSP vs. Silva and/or Silva vs. Silva in the near future.

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GSP vs. Silva sounds ridiculous in my honest opinion. Anderson doesn't look that big but he's fucking huge and very strong. It not exactly a fair.

definitely, i think gsp would get dominated like he did to bj, but man if they ever fought in canada it would be so huge

sadly i dont think wanderlei would get out of the first round

the ufc needs to stop dicking around and give okami his shot already

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not sure if the is a legit source, but i read somewhere that silva doesnt wanna move up to 205. hopefully Wanderlei or Okami get the next crack, but i hope they learn from their mistakes and dont match him up with someone like Maia. i would still really like to see GSP and i dont think it'd be as lopsided as people think. this is assuming he doesn't get caught like he did against serra pointing out his suspect chin. but other then that i dont think he has a flaw in his game and would push the pace call into question silva's conditioning. i know he's no bj penn conditioning wise, but im sure going five with gsp is a whole lot different then with leites. i could go on and on but im not...so i guess the logical thing for him to do is move up but i dont think he will

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never said Leites was a good match up, thats why i hope there isnt a fight with Maia in the future because they are pretty much the same kind of fighter. obviously he should move up, i just dont think its gonna happen

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