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i like BECK - good for people who are into guitars and shiz

Kimi ga nozomu eien - nice anime which is FAST moving and doesnt drag on too much

naruto and bleach are good if youre in it for the long haul. although maybe Full Metal Alchemist would be a better series.

dont want to give a long list but i cant help but mention One Litre of Tears. only ever movie/series to make me cry. I was so hooked on that, and the chick aint half bad either ;)

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Personally, these are the must watch, as they are the classics.

Noir, Evangelion, Trigun, Kenshin, Kenshin OVA 1&2.

I havn't watched Evangelion, but many people like it. But I've watched the others, and all were very good. If you don't like the length of Kenshin, being it's 96+ episodes I think, then just watch the OVAs, OVAs were best. Especially OVA 1.

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, was just fucking emo... lol There's also the OVA which is about Akane, and is named 'Akane Maniax.' And is just plain stupid, but the last episode I think tells something at least.

Beck, was definitly a fun watch. yup

I think everyone should watch Code Geass, that right now is fucking epic. It's a war anime. And it's all about plans and everything, like Chess.

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  tedsu said:


school rumble (super funny)

Full metal alchemist


death note


GTO live action

nodame cantabile

1 litre of tears

i concur on school rumble that show is hilarious. my favorite jdrama atm is my boss, my hero. does everyone know they are redoing the evangelion movie AGAIN and also i heard there should be a live action one being developed by the makers of lord of the rings.

i would recommend: azumanga daioh, school rumble, golden boy, yakitate japan, speed grapher, evangelion, read or die, records of lodoss wars, gundam ms 08th team. shit cant think of any others right now.[/url]

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grrr typed up a pretty neat review of some series b4 but lost it all.. anyway...my 3 picks:

Rurouni Kenshin - pretty old but easily the most developed Samruai series IMO. What it lacks in animation quality compared to newer series like Champloo, it makes up for in content. An ABSOLUTE classic in my book.

Cowboy Bebop - incredible vision by Watanabe considering it was made almost 10 years ago. One of the best cast of characters I've ever seen, and even for today, it has an effortless style that is rarely achieved. Yoko Kanno also did a timelessly hip OST for this one.

Fumoffu (Full Metal Panic 2) - nothing serious but just 26 episodes of great laughs. Don't have to wacth FMP to enjoy this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  psyence said:
Battle Angel

Venus Wars (the octo-tanks and roller bikes amazed me when I was a kid)

Macross (NOT robotech)

Basilisk - shit's crazy.

def^ The real name for those battling babes are the Admiral P1!! ( i forgot the exact words haha)

I even found the music on some random website and downloaded it...

"WHAT DO YOU HAVE NOW!?!?!? ::japanese:: RIDE AND CRASHHHH CRASHHH AND BURNNN!!!! ::japanese::

I was watching Macross: Do You Remember Love on youtube a few weeks ago. I love the song Minmei sings in the final battle.

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Just skimmed most of this thread (did a search too) but it appears no one has mentioned Gasaraki. Got to be one of the best series I ever seen.

Otherwise, Stand Alone Complex is a must see, especially if you liked Ghost In The Shell (the original film I mean).

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Naruto (minus the filler episodes!)

Rurouni Kenshin (Just the Kyoto/Shishio Saga)


School Rumble (funny!)

Hajime No Ippo (boxing anime)

I don't know about the anime, but I'm reading the Eyeshield 21 manga and its freakin' awesome. I'm sure the anime is good too!

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