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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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think i can slim this up a little? get a tailor to take in the jacket and pants? it's already a size 44 but i kind of want the jacket nipped in a bit at the chest/torso... maybe. opinions appreciated.

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  tangerine said:
hap, I was so caught up in listening to that heavy dub I missed what you were saying... is that from Arkology? It sounds familiar...





Lucky Brand

Ann Demeulemeester skull necklaces


RM Williams

not my fav from you, i think the jeans arn't to flattering (are they new?) everything just looks too ruffled up. and from that angle, the boots look too slim for the outfit.

on a side note: i also own a alpha fur linned ma-1, red W+H tigger fleece, s5000bk, we could wear the same outfit someday.

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chat chat chat and circle jerk time

icarus: cool. apcs look perfect.

cheap: hair is looking good long. no homo.

insider trading... nice. fit looks great to me but if you feel like it could be slimmer go for it.

ayn: great fit on the dh

tang: i liked the boots

me today, simple...


dotd scarf

aa v neck

julian red

vintage shoes



hap: i just noticed its grey v-neck day...awesome

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Okay, time to be honest. If cultpop stopped getting hate over his fits, then I probably wouldn't like 'em as much.

My top 2 superfuturists based on style contreversy: poliopolio dude and cultpop. thank you.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:
^ sick!

you kill every time

fuckin' terminator

QFT... nice one digi_d!

lilbucu, appreciate the critique; the jeans are still new and stiff, and a little on the large side. I am on the fence about the relative weight with the boots and those jeans. But if we show up with the same fit, we are gonna fight. ;)

cult, I like your shoes, too

looking good ftb

nice video cheap, nice sweater

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I like the fit on the nosepiece, kix. Dope

cultpop- I absolutely love the color of those shoes. I need to find me something like that. Reminds me of the killer color of the Alden indy boots in the "shoes that look good with time" thread.

digital- not that you don't already know and haven't heard it a thousand times but those boots are unreal. Everyone has been getting sick boots lately.

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