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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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yes, that's never a problem when i look at your pics.

so you admit to checking out cocks? you don't have to answer that. it's cool, if you're a homosexual...you are protected by sufu law. done.

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the background? maybe needs a beanie? or black jeans?

the fit is fine, it's just that none of the individual pieces really stand out or are all that impressive.

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Not too sure about that jacket to be honest, something about the shoulders and the buttons.

And regarding the shoes, they're Visvim Serra's, sorry if that was unclear.

Had a look at that pic again and I personally do think that they work, just differently from what I normally wear and not staying within a certain "period".


Yea, the Visvim looks good, and you make them work.. maybe they need to be a bit more scuffed and dirty though. DIdnt recognise "serras", sorry for the confusion.

What do you dislike about the jacket more exactly? Its a swedish navy peacoat, where I removed the shoulder padding and changed the golden buttons to these black metal ones, but only one of the rows. Theres another button on the chest, and one at the neck...

Im not 100% sure either, but it seems pretty well fitting and qualitative, and I kinda liked the buttons...

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Thanks J and d.w.g. You are both very kind.

Always like your stuff, Fab. But today I could definitely see you bust out into a tays-esque dance number,

I think we should relive the moment...


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I'm thinking about making my jeans a half an inch to a full inch slimmer, thoughts?

Sol, I think your style is better with a straight leg fit... especially with the kicks you usually wear. Also, I think with the length of your upper garments, slouching would make things more proportionate.

Welcome back though. Ay bay bay!

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Man, AxT, Subarashi, Fab, and Sean, the TO game has been stepped up HARD recently.

Respect guys.

This blurry pic isn't gonna step any game up.


Rag and Bone work coat

Club Mon


PF Flyers


This is what I just copped, the view from my new apt... next level shit:


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