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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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I want to thank everybody for all the responses!


-Bernhard Willhelm jacket

-Bernhard Willhelm scarf

-Noir Kennedy sweater

-pink overdyed white 501's

-Bernhard Willhelm hi-tops

this is just basically the color blind or gay version of your other fits. if your pants were a dark color or even a white i'd probably love this...

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^^ I second that.

[EDIT] Not the gay part.

[EDIT2] Well maybe. Dual personas: Ninja-goth and ninja-gay?

Altho those shoes are awesome, I think they should contrast with the pants so perhaps a dark color pants. Does pink really exist? Is it possible to DIY a pair of white 501s?

thank youuu


I often confuse jmatsu's icon for a swastika instead of a manji, can you blame me?

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this is just basically the color blind or gay version of your other fits. if your pants were a dark color or even a white i'd probably love this...

i love the top of the outfit, but when i saw the bottom part i vomitted a little bit.

besides hating the color scheme of the bottom half(adding pink to all the other colors...), i think the shoes look very very stupid, i don't care if its BW or whatever, they are just ugly as hell

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it says "northern territory" so im guessin australia?

which makes me wonder...i always wonder who buys certain designer items...like the most extreme and cool ones. is it one guy who just happens to really like that one thing, very few other people take pleasure in? is it all one guy like de gute? is it just some guy in the middle of nowhere (de gute)? is there some guy in nebraska running around with an all julius wardrobe?

i gues that in that respect i'm similar to de gute and wonder how many others there are...

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are we even taking bout the same thign? those shooz r brilliant...tbh i like his footwear more than his cluthinz...his footweerez are always sdope

i guess u also like these then:


they are Bernhard willhllhlheeeeem X jeremy scott X cassette plaaayyyaa

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