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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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damn, fucking nice! never seen you without a cap!

  1995chardx said:
i wore a hat today also

-out of sight

-MTV x Supreme x MANhattan shirt from the MTV store

-black dukes

- atmos x Ubiq




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  seraphim said:
well, I figured out today that my bathroom is the only part of the flat with lighting good enough to take pictures in, so naturally I half stood on the sink for a waywt.

awkward angle..


vintage jacket

band hoodie from a gig (65 days of static)

army surplus shemagh

loki tshirt

belt from a stall in paris

vintage levis skirt


vintage boots

whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa seraphim is a girl?!

i have always been afraid of wearing coloured tights, but you do it well.

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  jmatsu said:
this ensemble is great!

balzac? besides the misfits, i think you're the first person out of japan who actually owns an album of their's...wild.

  Servo2000 said:
I'll say it here since I try not to clog up the other WAYWT:

Crillz is killing it. I hope that one day I may have such a room in my home. I need better pictures of those Bernhard shoes though, look awesome from the glance.

thanks buddy, yeah i actually prefer Balzac to the Misfits most of the time, not completely sure why, they do harmonize a lot more often which is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine.

thank you servo! it's so nice to get compliments from such well-established members, yeh, i kind of have my fams and their love of antique furniture and every book imaginable to thank. next location up... the parlour! oh, and i'll snap some more pics of the b. willhelms when i get a chance!

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  DJ_Flame said:
Don't you know candy is slang for peachez?

I think fade made that up on Superchat one night.

Damn. Fade was creating new vernacular while puffin on a cuban. Sheeeeet.

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It's always a risk clicking on this thread as Fade is always staring straight into my soul.

I agree with sidneylo on the subject of ms. will i am

As for will i am? Are there some jacked up teeth i'm missing out on? The white bar leaves too much to the imagination.

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  mswill_i_am said:
thorns--nah my name isn't val. its missy. + im in what my bf likes to call "hypebeast mode", so i look a little different. :-X

Well if you ever feel the need to meet up with your long lost twin sister PM me. You look alike not in clothes but in facial features and hair and stuff. Seriously its uncanny.

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  xcoldricex said:
the bernard shoes are on seven's page if you want to see them servo.

i'll post the other pic here. just because. keeping it simple.


cplus / raf simons / helmut lang sailor pants / helmut lang sneakers

that sweater is tough. i've alwys been a big fan of patches like that...i bought this jacket in like november and its one of my favs. always get compliements on it althoguh i think i look a little bit like a marshmallow when its all zipped and tied. =X



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